Visit to the permanent exhibition of the University A Domus do Mitreo Museum
The remains of a domus were found on the site, which, during the Lower Roman Empire, was partially altered to construct a private building to be used as a mithraeum, a small temple dedicated to the goddess Mithras. The Museum exhibits a selection of ceramic, glass and metal pieces that were found in the archaeological excavations of the domus, mostly from the Roman period, although remains from the medieval and modern periods were also found.
A Domus do Mitreo University Museum
- Museo A domus do Mitreo
- Praza Pío XII, 3, 27001Lugo
- 610323926
- museomitreo.lugo [at] fundacionusc.gal
Culture Area
- San Xerome College
- Praza do Obradoiro s/n., 15782Santiago de Compostela
- 881 811 018
- 881 811 103
- area.cultura [at] usc.gal
Culture Area
- Montenegro Palace
- Rúa Bernardino Pardo Ouro, s/n. Campus Universitario, 27002Lugo
- 982 821 513
- cultura.lugo [at] usc.es