Agrifood and Environmental Economics, Rural Development and Social Economy (ECOAGRASOC, from its galician acronym) was set up as a Research Group in Galician University System as a result of the merger of two pre-existing groups that came together to develop projects and other research activities since 1994.
Currently, ECOAGRASOC is composed of 13 USC professors, plus 18 Researchers in Training and Perfection. The group focuses its activities in the fields of agrifood economics, agricultural and rural development policies, environmental economics, cooperativism, public economics and regional development. Most of its members belong to the Department of Applied Economics at the USC, plus one researcher of the Department of Quantitative Economics at the same university. Two areas of knowledge of the Applied Economics Department are represented in the group, with 8 professors of Applied Economics and 4 professors of Economics, Sociology and Politics. In addition, ECOAGRASOC has a biocampus structure, with staff and research infrastructure in Santiago and Lugo campuses.
Since its setting up as a group, ECOAGRASOC is attached to the Institute of Studies and Development of Galicia (IDEGA), USC institute dedicated to scientific research, technical advice and organizing specialized training activities in various fields of social sciences. By its volume of activity, IDEGA is the main center of economic research of Galicia. Additionally, several researchers from the group are integrated into the Inter-University Research Center for Atlantic Cultural Landscapes (CISPAC).
The different degrees of group members (ten PhD in Economics, one PhD in Agricultural Engineering, one PhD in Law and one Economist) allow transfer a multidisciplinary approach to research activities that also are enriched by diversity researchers and professional paths thereof. Moreover, the link with IDEGA allowed to establish a stable framework with other USC groups attached to the institute (in the fields of geography, history, economics and mathematics), which is reflected in the joint participation in research projects and other activities.
In addition, ECOAGRASOC maintains a regular collaboration with research groups from other universities both in Spain and abroad, especially with the University of Vigo, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Polytechnic University of Madrid, University of Córdoba, Technical University of Lisbon, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, FLACS-Ecuador, University of Havana and Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil); which has resulted in the joint implementation of National Plan and EU programs projects, as well as contracts, agreements and organization of other research and transfer activities.