ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 102 Hours of tutorials: 6 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 24 Total: 150
Use languages Spanish, Galician, English
Type: Ordinary subject Master’s Degree RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: English and German Philology
Areas: English Philology
Center Faculty of Teacher Training
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The Teaching of Foreign Languages in Secondary Education
Course objectives
a) General
- Introduce students to specific aspects of teaching foreign languages related to lesson planning, methodology and the evaluation process.
- Establish connections between linguistic, psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic theory and the practice of teaching.
- Reflect on the factors that condition the learning and teaching of languages.
- Provide students with basic skills for the practice of teaching foreign languages.
- Provide students with basic theoretical principles and practical techniques for their own professional development as future foreign language teachers.
- Familiarize students with the most relevant specialized bibliography on the topics of the program.
b) Specific
- Provide students with guidelines and practical guidelines for good management and effective organization of the class.
- Learn to plan, program and design courses, teaching units and classes.
- Familiarize students with the materials (textbooks, audiovisual and multimedia tools, grammars, dictionaries, glossaries, support resources for teachers and students) commonly used for teaching a foreign language.
- Consider in-depth the role of new technologies in the teaching of the foreign language.
- Familiarize students with the organization of the foreign language subject curriculum at the level of Secondary Education (ESO and Baccalaureate) and for the language programs at (Official Language Schools).
- Familiarize students with the latest European trends in language teaching, with special attention to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the European Language Portfolio (ELP).
- Learn the main differences between the concepts of "examine" and "evaluate", highlighting the importance of both phenomena for the teaching-learning process.
1 Theories, approaches and methods for the teaching/learning of a FL
2 External and internal factors that influence the learning of a FL
3 Productive and receptive language activities/skills
4 Learning strategies
5 Curriculum of LEs in Secondary Education and in EOIs
6 General principles of planning lessons
Basic and complementary bibliography
-Basic bibliography:
- Cajkler, W. y Addelman, R. 2000. The Practice of Foreign Language Teaching. David Fulton Publishers.
- Douglas Brown, H. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Longman.
- Nussbaum, L. y Bernaus, M. (Eds), Caballero de Rodas, B., Escobar, C. y Masats, M.D. 2001 Didactica de las lenguas extranjeras en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Síntesis Educación
- Oxford, R. 1990. Language Learning Strategies: what every teacher should know. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
- Richards, J.C. y Rodgers, T.S. 1986. Enfoques y métodos en la enseñanza de idiomas. Cambridge: CUP.
- Ribé, R. y Vidal, N. 1995. La Enseñanza de la Lengua Extranjera en la Educación Secundaria. Alhambra Longman-
- Richards, J.C. y Lockhart, C. 1998. Estrategias de reflexión sobre la enseñanza de idiomas. Cambridge: CUP.
- Ur, P. 2009. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
- Vez, J. 2000. Fundamentos lingüísticos en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Ariel.
- Woodward, T. 2002. La planificación de clases y cursos. Cambridge: CUP.
Complementary bibliography and further reading:
- Candlin, C. 1990. «Hacia la enseñanza de lenguas basada en tareas». Comunicación, lenguaje y educación, 7-8, pp. 33-53. Colin.
- Diccionario de términos clave:
- Ellis, R. 2003. Task-based Language Learning and Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press, capítulo 7 «Designing task-based language courses».
- Ellis, R. 2005. La adquisición de segundas lenguas en un contexto de enseñanza. En Biblioteca Virtual redELE 2006
- Estaire, S. e Zanón, J. 1994. Task-based Teaching. Heinemann.
- Gower, R., Phillips, D. y Walters, S. 1995. Teaching Practice Handbook. Heinemann.
- Grant, N. 1987. Making the Most of your Textbook, Longman.
- Guía normas APA 7º edición…
- Hill, J. y Lewis, M. 1992. Practical Techniques for Language Teaching. Teaching Publications.
- Little, D. 2002. “The European Language Portfolio: Structure, Origins, Implementation and Challenge”. Language Teaching.
- Martín Peris, E. 2004. «¿Qué significa trabajar en clase con tareas comunicativas?» En redELE 2004
- Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. 2002. Marco común europeo de referencia para las lenguas: aprendizaje, enseñanza, evaluación. Publicación online: (Versión Inglesa (2001). en pdf: (Companion volumen (2020) en pdf:…)
- Nunan, D. 1991. ‘Communicative tasks and the language curriculum’, TESOL Quarterly.
- Nunan, D. 1991. Language teaching methodology: A Textbook for Teachers. Prentice Hall.
- Nunan, D. y Lamb, C. 1997. The Self-Directed Teacher. Cambridge: CUP.
- Palacios, Ignacio et al. 2009. Dicionario de ensino e aprendizaxe de linguas. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
- Richards, J.& Rodgers,T. 1984. Approches and Methods in language Teaching. A description and Analisis. Cambridge: CUP.
- Rosales, C. 1984. Criterios para una evaluación formativa. Narcea.
- Salaberri, S. 1999. Lingüística Aplicada a la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Almería.
- Scarcell, R.C y Oxford, R.L 1992. The Tapestry of Language Learning. Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
Skills to be acquired:
CT1 - Use bibliography and search tools for general and specific bibliographic resources, including Internet access
CT2 - Optimally manage work time and organize available resources, establishing priorities, alternative paths and identifying logical errors in decision making
CT3 - Enhance the ability to work in cooperative and multidisciplinary environments
CEE6 - Transform curricula into activity and work programs.
CEE7 - Acquire selection criteria and preparation of educational materials
CEE8 - Promote a climate that facilitates learning and values the contributions of students
CEE9 - Integrate training in audiovisual and multimedia communication in the teaching-learning process
CEE10 - Know assessment strategies and procedures and understand assessment as a procedure for regulating learning and stimulating effort.
Theoretical explanations will alternate with practical activities, exercises, homework and class discussions. These activities may be carried out individually, or in pairs and groups. Students are expected to actively participate in the classroom. Micro-teaching sessions will be carried out by students in order to enable them to experiment with the implementation of their teaching proposals. Autonomous learning will be encouraged.
The grading system will be based on the continuous evaluation of the student during the class sessions of this subject, complemented by written and/or oral tests, according to the following parameters:
I.1.- Students whose attendance is compulsory.
Assessment for this subject will be done with continuous evaluation during the semester. Class attendance is mandatory, and students must participate in at least 80% of the classes. Preparation of the daily tasks, active participation in classroom itself, and all other written and oral work / tests will be taken into consideration for this grade.
The final grade will be the result of adding the following sections:
1 Active participation in class and completion of assigned tasks and proposed activities (20%).
2 Completion, on-time presentation and exposition of the assigned tasks (30%)
3 Final exam (50%)
To successfully pass this subject, students will need to obtain at least a 50% in each of the sections listed above.
I.2.- Students who are legally exempt from attending class sessions.
The final grade will be the total of the following sections:
1. Completion, on-time presentation and exposition of the assigned tasks (30%)
2. Final exam (70%)
To successfully pass this subject, students will need to obtain at least a 50% in each of the sections listed above.
I.3.- Students who need to take this subject again.
The evaluation system will be the same as for students in I.1
The same system used for the first period of assessment will be applied. All passing grades for any section may be maintained for this part of the assessment process.
All of the activities which are turned in should include the bibliographical sources that were consulted, as per any established academic method of bibliographical (and digital) quotation*.
*See the IMPORTANT NOTICE below.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: In the USC Rules for Academic Performance (DOG 21 from 21 July, 2011, Art. 16) presenting fraudulent academic work for any type of final evaluation is penalized with a “Fail” in the corresponding exam period. Turning in this type of work may also result in a disciplinary process for the offender (1). Hence, any detection of plagiarism in any of the academic work turned in for grading in this subject will be penalized with a “Fail” in this subject, even when the student has passing marks in other areas of evaluation. As “plagiarism” we understand when an academic paper includes any partial or complete copy, in literal form or not, of content, or ideas published in other academic papers or in any other type of published format (paper or Internet), and where the student does not cite the source from which the said content or idea was taken. Students who fail because of plagiarism will not be allowed to take part in the second chance exam period.
As stated in the “Memoria de la titulación”, in this 6-ECTS-credit subject, the workload for students will be a total of 150 hours. This includes the work carried out in the 42 hours of traditional classes (18 theoretical hours and 24 practical hours) as well as 108 hours of study time to prepare for classes and carry out autonomous learning.
Although the time needed to successfully complete the assignments required for this subject may vary, students should plan on doing between 10-14 hours of preparation and study time for each week of classes.
This subject has a practical and pragmatic focus; consequently, attendance and participation in class are a must. Active participation of the students is expected on the work they carry out before attending classes, in the classroom, and when preparing and presenting the various assigned tasks.
Inclusive language should be used when possible in the classroom as well as in the preparation of academic work.
When possible, assignments should be uploaded to the on-line classroom. When giving presentations in class, one should try to generate as little waste as possible and avoid the use of plastic or other toxic materials.
Students with special educational needs must contact the teacher during the first two weeks of the semester, and present the report issued by SEPIU, so that the professors in charge can consider and decide on any adaptations that might be able to be applied for assigned tasks and / or the assessment system.
Jesus Varela Zapata
Coordinador/a- Department
- English and German Philology
- Area
- English Philology
- Phone
- 982824715
- varela.zapata [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Jodee Anderson Mcguire
- Department
- English and German Philology
- Area
- English Philology
- Phone
- 982824713
- jo.anderson [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Monday | |||
16:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | English, Spanish | Classroom 25 |
Tuesday | |||
16:00-19:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish, English | Classroom 25 |
05.29.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 27 |
07.05.2024 16:00-18:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 26 |