Services for users of the USC Library.
Home lending
To use this service you must have a University Identity Card (UIC) or an external user card issued by the BUSC.
The library catalogue provides information o…
Interlibrary Loan
The management of the Interlibrary Loan and Document Access Service is centralised in the General Library, and performs its functions taking into account the I…
User training
The University Library has a series of training activities and resources to achieve this aim:
Presentation sessions: held at the beginning of the academi…
Request for new acquisitions
Before making an acquisition request, please note that:
The form is available to BUSC users.
Recommendations for new acquisitions without user identifi…
Request for reproduction of printed resources
Most libraries have photocopiers that can be used directly by users to reproduce the works consulted.
The University Library also has a service for the supp…