Most libraries have photocopiers that can be used directly by users to reproduce the works consulted.
The University Library also has a service for the supply of digitised copies of its printed collections. Users may request the partial reproduction of the printed works that form part of its collections directly from the library, within the limits established in the Intellectual Property Law and with the restrictions necessary for the conservation of its heritage collections.
USC University Community (teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff, students)
1. Collections found in the BUSC catalogue
Requests for digitisation of printed collections that cannot be loaned are made directly from the Iacobus catalogue records by selecting the ‘Digitisation’ option from the bibliographic records. You must be logged in to the catalogue to check whether a document has a digitisation option.
According to intellectual property legislation, requests for reproduction are limited to journal articles, book chapters or an extension equivalent to 10% of the total length of the work and must be used exclusively for teaching and/or research purposes.
Once the request has been made, the digitised copy will be sent to your e-mail address as soon as possible.
2. Collections not found in the BUSC catalogue
Requests for digitisation of collections that do not exist in the BUSC collections can be made through the interlibrary loan and photo documentation request form.
Before submitting your request, please check the library catalogue to ensure that the document is not in the library's collections.
Other users
Alumni, external and guest users may request the digitisation of journal articles, book chapters or an extension equivalent to 10% of the total work.
The management of this service is centralised in the General Library. Requests, regardless of the location of the collection, should be sent to: fotprest [at] (fotprest[at]usc[dot]es)
This service is subject to the fee system established by the USC.
Collections prior to 1901, and those of singular or special value, may be reproduced in digital format after assessment by the staff responsible at the BUSC.
The reproduction of the heritage collection, excluded from the digitisation service through the Iacobus catalogue, must be requested at the following e-mail address: fotprest [at] (fotprest[at]usc[dot]es). This service may be subject to the fee system established by the USC.
Users can make a request to obtain digital images of books from the heritage collection, with their own digitisation equipment, at the following e-mail address: biblioteca.xeral.salainvestigadores [at] (biblioteca[dot]xeral[dot]salainvestigadores[at]usc[dot]gal).