
The Research Group in Mathematical Engineering from the University of Santiago de Compostela is a leader in applying mathematics to problems in industry, as demonstrated by its key role in various network platforms such as i-MATH, or more recently in the Spanish network of industrial mathematics, math-in.net.
Based on the results of their research in the field of partial differential equations, and in particular in numerical solution methods (finite element, finite volume, etc.), the group has tackled problems relating to the simulation of devices and industrial processes, working as a contractor for private companies and also on publicly funded projects.
The research group has been involved in all stages of such projects, from mathematical modeling to the development of software packages, and has included full mathematical and numerical analysis of the equations obtained. The possible application areas for the cross-cutting technologies developed are diverse, ranging from structural mechanics to electromagnetism, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, combustion and acoustics, and last but not least, valuable financial products. Its clients include companies of different sizes and technology centers.