EPSS Multimedia Lab is the companion DVD to Gómez González & Sánchez Roura’s (2016) book English Pronunciation for Speakers of Spanish. From Theory to Practice (EPSS) (Boston/Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter). EPSS Multimedia Lab is aimed at meeting the needs of speakers of Spanish who want to learn or teach English phonetics and phonology at universities and teacher-training institutes, or otherwise wish to improve their English pronunciation and their skills in transcribing English phonetically. In addition, EPSS Multimedia Lab may be useful to anyone interested in gaining insight into the differences and similarities that exist between English and Spanish pronunciation to prepare the ground for more advanced and extensive reading in the field.
To provide not only a framework that will help you understand basic notions of phonetics and phonology, but also practical training in such principles of phonetic analysis as phonetic transcription (the representation of sounds using the symbols of the International Phonetic Alphabet) and phonological rules (e.g. assimilation, clipping, etc.).
To show you how speech sounds are made.
To give practice in listening, discriminating and producing the sounds of British English, comparing and contrasting them with those of Spanish in order to improve ear-training and oral production.
An Animated Sound Bank English-Spanish (with phonemic transcriptions)
Recorded Exercises (with their keys)
Audio Illustrations (referred to in the textbook)
Other Resources to Teach and Learn English Phonetics and Pronunciation
Glossaries and Dictionaries of Phonetics and English Pronunciation