Word Databases
Select the list of word databases in which you would like to search.
You can select all of them using the "All" link located at the bottom of the list.
When the selection changes, the list of variables in the middle of the page will update showing only those that are in some of the selected databases.
To know more about a specific database, click on its name.
Select the variables you want to search for.
You can select all of them using the "All" link at the bottom of the list.
Only those variables included in some of the selected word databases from the word databases list will be listed.
You can change the order of the variables clicking on the drag icon on the left.
You can specify a search criterion for each variable, writing it down in the "criterion" field at the right of each variable name. For example:
5 Variable with a value of exactly 5
< 5 Variable with a value lower than 5
> 5 Variable with a value higher than 5
<= 5 Variable with a value lower or equal to 5
>= 5 Variable with a value higher or equal to 5
5 - 6.5 Variable with a value between 5 and 6.5, inclusive
valence_m (1 - 9) | |||
valence_sd | |||
arousal_m (1 - 9) | |||
arousal_sd | |||
concreteness_m (1 - 7) | |||
concreteness_sd | |||
imageability_m (1 - 7) | |||
imageability_sd | |||
contextual_availability_m (1 - 7) | |||
contextual_availability_sd | |||
familiarity_m (1 - 7) | |||
familiarity_sd | |||
happiness_m (1 - 5) | |||
happiness_sd | |||
anger_m (1 - 5) | |||
anger_sd | |||
sadness_m (1 - 5) | |||
sadness_sd | |||
fear_m (1 - 5) | |||
fear_sd | |||
disgust_m (1 - 5) | |||
disgust_sd | |||
time_ldt | |||
age_of_acquisition_m (1 - 11) | |||
age_of_acquisition_sd | |||
dominance_m (1 - 9) | |||
dominance_sd | |||
sensory_experience_m (1 - 7) | |||
sensory_experience_sd |
Reset default options Each time you click on "Search", all parameters and options are automatically memorized for the next time you enter the website. This link resets all options to their default value.
In the case one variable is in many databases, the search condition should meet:
Some variables are included in several databases at the same time. When you define a search criterion for variable, you may wish this criterion to be satisfied in all the databases where that variable is included, or you may wish it to be satisfied in one database at least.
Generally, you will obtain less results in the first than in the second case, since it implies a more restrictive search.
In results:
Group variables by database: Check this option if you want to group result columns so that all variables in the same database appear together.
Show decimals with comma: Check this option to use comma, instead of dot, as decimal separator.
About emoFinder
EmoFinder is a web-based search engine for Spanish word properties from different normative databases. It makes available a large number of subjective word properties for more than 30,000 words, mainly focusing on normative ratings for emotional dimensions (valence, arousal) and discrete emotional categories (fear, disgust, anger, happiness, and sadness). Yet, it also includes ratings from other relevant word properties, such as familiarity, concreteness, contextual availability, and age-of- acquisition. Users are allowed to search for words that meet some criteria on the selected properties (e.g., words having a value higher than 6 in arousal ratings), or to obtain the properties for a set of words (e.g., valence, arousal, and concreteness ratings for the words "love", "dead" and "bear"). The tool will be updated periodically to include word properties from new available Spanish normative databases.
EmoFinder was developed by the Cognitive Processes and Behavior Research Group, from the University of Santiago de Compostela, and the Psycholinguistics Research Group, from the University Rovira i Virgili. This work was funded by the Government of the Autonomous Community of Galicia (modality of Competitive Research Groups, GRC 2015/006) and by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (MINECO/FEDER, Grant Nos. PSI2015-65116-P and PSI2015-63525-P).
EmoFinder comprises the following databases:
- Alonso, M. A., Fernandez, A., & Díez, E. (2015). Subjective age-of-acquisition norms for 7,039 Spanish words. Behavior Research Methods, 47, 268–274. doi:10.3758/s13428-014-0454-2
- Ferré, P., Guasch, M., Martínez-García, N., Fraga, I., & Hinojosa, J. A. (2017). Moved by words: Affective ratings for a set of 2,266 Spanish words in five discrete emotion categories. Behavior Research Methods, 49, 1082-1094. doi:10.3758/s13428-016-0768-3
- Ferré, P., Guasch, M., Moldovan, C., & Sánchez-Casas, R. (2012). Affective norms for 380 Spanish words belonging to three different semantic categories.Behavior Research Methods, 44, 395–403. doi:10.3758/s13428-011-0165-x
- González-Nosti, M., Barbón, A., Rodríguez-Ferreiro, J., & Cuetos, F. (2014). Effects of the psycholinguistic variables on the lexical decision task in Spanish: A study with 2,765 words. Behavior Research Methods, 46, 517–525. doi:10.3758/s13428-013-0383-5
- Guasch, M., Ferré, P., & Fraga, I. (2016). Spanish norms for affective and lexico-semantic variables for 1,400 words. Behavior Research Methods, 48, 1358–1369. doi:10.3758/s13428-015-0684-y
- Hinojosa, J. A., Martínez-García, N., Villalba-García, C., Fernández-Folgueiras, U., Sánchez-Carmona, A., Pozo, M. A., & Montoro, P. R. (2016). Affective norms of 875 Spanish words for five discrete emotional categories and two emotional dimensions. Behavior Research Methods, 48, 272–284. doi:10.3758/s13428-015-0572-5
- Hinojosa, J. A., Rincón-Pérez, I., Romero-Ferreiro, M. V., Martínez-García, N., Villalba-García, C., Montoro, P. R., & Pozo, M. A. (2016). The Madrid Affective Database for Spanish (MADS): Ratings of Dominance, Familiarity, Subjective Age of Acquisition and Sensory Experience. PLoS ONE, 11(5): e0155866. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155866
- Redondo, J., Fraga, I., Comesaña, M., & Perea, M. (2005). Estudio normativo del valor afectivo de 478 palabras españolas. Psicológica, 26, 317–326.
- Redondo, J., Fraga, I., Padrón, I., & Comesaña, M. (2007). The Spanish adaptation of ANEW (Affective Norms for English Words). Behavior Research Methods, 39, 600–605. doi:10.3758/bf03193031
- Stadthagen-Gonzalez, H., Imbault, C., Pérez Sánchez, M. A., & Brysbaert, M. (2017). Norms of valence and arousal for 14,031 Spanish words. Behavior Research Methods, 49, 111-123. doi:10.3758/s13428-015-0700-2
If you use Emofinder, please, cite it. Thank you. To cite Emofinder:
Fraga, I., Guasch, M., Haro, J. et al. Behav Res (2018). https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-017-1006-3
If you have any query, please contact: isabel.fraga@usc.es