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All subjects

17th Century: Drama and Prose.

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Spanish Language and Literature I

17th Literature: Poetry

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature

17th Spanish Literature: Poetry

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Spanish Language and Literature II

17th Spanish Literature: Poetry

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Spanish Language and Literature II

Advertising and Culture

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion [in extinction]

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Specific Training in Cultural Production, Management and Dissemination

Advertising and Culture

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning) [in extinction]

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Specific Training in Production, Management and Cultural Dissemination-blended learning

Applied linguistics

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Cinema and Literature

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literary Studies

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Module 1: Common compulsory subjects

Comparative Literary Studies

Doctoral Programme in Literature and Cultural Studies

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Comparative Literature

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Complementary subject to Master's Thesis

Master in Cultural Services (3ªed) [in extinction]

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Elective Credits | End of Master's Degree Project Research Orientation

Computational Lexicography

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Advanced Module: Interdisciplinarity and Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Computational Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Contemporary Hispanic Literature

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion [in extinction]

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Humanistic Training

Contemporary Hispanic Literature

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning) [in extinction]

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Humanistic Training- Blended learning

Contemporary Literary Theory

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Contemporary Literary Theory

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Contemporary Literary Theory

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Contemporary Literary Theory

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Contemporary Literary Theory

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Contemporary Literary Theory

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Contemporary Literary Theory

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Literary studies today

Contemporary Literary Theory

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Literary studies today

Contemporary Theories of Literature and Culture

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Module 3: Optional Subjects associated with the Itinerary of Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture

Corpus linguistics

University Master in Psychology

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects of the Specialty in Experimental Psychology

Corpus linguistics

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Creativity in Cultural Communication

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion [in extinction]

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Specific Training in Cultural Production, Management and Dissemination

Creativity in Cultural Communication

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning) [in extinction]

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Specific Training in Production, Management and Cultural Dissemination-blended learning

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture and theatre.

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture and theatre.

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture, theatre

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture, theatre

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-comparative applications:Literature, culture, theatre

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-comparative applications:Literature, culture, theatre

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Cultural Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Cultural Planning and Spin-off Development

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary

Culture Studies

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary

Current Issues in Grammar

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Semantics, grammar and pragmatics

Cyberliterature and Digital Culture

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary

Dictionaries and translation

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Advanced Module: Interdisciplinarity and Applications

Dictionary planning and design

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Advanced Module: Interdisciplinarity and Applications


Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | The universe of the Lexicon

Didactic lexicography

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Advanced Module: Interdisciplinarity and Applications

Discourse Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature

Discourse Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Spanish Language and Literature II

Discourse Analysis

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Spanish Language and Literature II

Discourse Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Spanish Language and Literature II

Discourse Analysis

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Spanish Language and Literature II

Drafting and Analysing Inter Artistic Discourse

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion [in extinction]

4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specific Training in Cultural Production, Management and Dissemination

Drafting and Analysing Inter Artistic Discourse

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning) [in extinction]

4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specific Training in Production, Management and Cultural Dissemination-blended learning

Education and Languages in Galicia

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | General Optional subjects for Childhood Ed.

Education and Languages in Galicia

Master in Teaching of Obligatory Compulsory Secondary Education and High School Teaching, Professional Training and Language Teaching (L)

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Generic Module

Education and Languages in Galicia

Master in Teaching of Obligatory Compulsory Secondary Education and High School Teaching, Professional Training and Language Teaching (L)

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Generic Module

Emergent Literature

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary

External practices

Master in Cultural Services (3ªed) [in extinction]

1st year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of Master's Degree Project Professional Guidance

External practices

Master in European Medieval Studies: Images, Texts and Contexts

1st year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects

Film and Literary Studies

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary

Final Degree Project

Grado en Periodismo (3ªed)

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Trabajo Fin de Grado

Final Degree Project

Doble Grado en Periodismo y en Comunicación Audiovisual (3ªed)

5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Trabajo Fin de Grado de Periodismo

Final Dissertation

Cultural Management Degree (2nd Ed.)

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Internship and Final Dissertation

Final Dissertation

Cultural Management Degree (2nd Ed.)

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Internship and Final Dissertation

Final Dissertation (without mention)

Doble Grado en Periodismo y en Comunicación Audiovisual (3ªed)

5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Trabajo Fin de Grado de Comunicación Audiovisual

Final Dissertation (without mention)

Audiovisual Communcation Degree (3rd Ed.)

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Final Dissertation

Foundations for the Teaching and the Learning of Languages

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Languages and Literatures Specialty

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specific Module: Spanish and Galician Language and Literature

Gender Studies in Literature and Culture

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary

Grammar and discourse

University Master in Psychology

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects of the Specialty in Experimental Psychology

Grammar and Discourse

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Semantics, grammar and pragmatics

Hispanic Literary Heritage

Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management [in extinction]

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Required Courses

Hispanic Literary Heritage

Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management [in extinction]

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Required Courses

History of Lexicography

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Advanced Module: Interdisciplinarity and Applications

Interartistic Studies

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication . Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication . Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication: Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication: Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion [in extinction]

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Specific Training in Cultural Production, Management and Dissemination

Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning) [in extinction]

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Specific Training in Production, Management and Cultural Dissemination-blended learning

Intermediality and Mass Culture

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary


Cultural Management Degree (2nd Ed.)

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Internship and Final Dissertation


Master's Degree in Cultural Services (4th Ed.)

1st year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Internship and Master's Dissertation


Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specification Module: Theoretical and Practical Lexicography Issues

Internship or Practicum

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | External Internships and Master Dissertation

Internship in audiovisual companies

Audiovisual Communcation Degree (3rd Ed.)

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | General Optional Subjects

Internship in audiovisual companies

Doble Grado en Periodismo y en Comunicación Audiovisual (3ªed)

5th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Optativas de Comunicación Audiovisual

Language and Culture

Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management [in extinction]

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | First-Year Core Curriculum

Language and Culture

Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management [in extinction]

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | First-Year Core Curriculum

Language and culture

Cultural Management Degree (2nd Ed.)

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Language and culture

Cultural Management Degree (2nd Ed.)

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Language and Literature as Educational Knowledge

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Languages and Literatures Specialty

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specific Module: Spanish and Galician Language and Literature

Language and Literature as Educational Knowledge

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Languages and Literatures Specialty

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specific Module: Classical Languages and Culture

Language Change

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Contrastive Linguistics and variation

Language Modelling

Master in artificial intelligence

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Natural Language Processing

Language technologies

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Latin American Spanish

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects specific to the degree

Lexicography and lexicology

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Advanced Module: Interdisciplinarity and Applications

Lexicography Fundamentals

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Basic Module: Fundamentals

Linguistic diversity management

Master's Degree in Cultural Services (4th Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Specialty contemporary cultural policies

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic Typology

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Linguistic variation

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Contrastive Linguistics and variation

Linguistics 1

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training (choose 2 languages from the groups G01 to G08, levels 1 and 2)

Linguistics 1

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Linguistics 1

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Linguistics 1

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training (choose 1 language, levels 1 and 2)

Linguistics 1

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Linguistics 2

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training (choose 2 languages from the groups G01 to G08, levels 1 and 2)

Linguistics 2

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Linguistics 2

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Linguistics 2

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training (choose 1 language, levels 1 and 2)

Linguistics 2

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic training

Literary and Cultural Transfers

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Module 3: Optional Subjects associated with the Itinerary of Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture

Literary Criticism and Cultural Analysis

Doctoral Programme in Texts of Classical Antiquity and their Survival

1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)

Literary Theory and Criticism

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training (choose 2 languages from the groups G01 to G08, levels 1 and 2)

Literary Theory and Criticism

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training (choose 1 language, levels 1 and 2)

Literature , Reading and Creativity

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | General Optional subjects for Primary Ed.

Literature, Religion and Spirituality

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 4: Optional Subjects of the Study and Edition of Literary Texts Itinerary

Literatureand Memory

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 4: Optional Subjects of the Study and Edition of Literary Texts Itinerary

MA Thesis

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | External Internships and Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Equality, Gender and Education

2nd year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | External Internships and Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Experimental Scieces, Mathematics and Computer Technology

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Social Sciences and Humanities Specialty

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Service Sector Specialty

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Languages and Literatures Specialty

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Arts Specialty

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Educational Guidance Specialty

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Teaching of Obligatory Compulsory Secondary Education and High School Teaching, Professional Training and Language Teaching (L)

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Teaching of Obligatory Compulsory Secondary Education and High School Teaching, Professional Training and Language Teaching (L)

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Specialization in Language and Literature: Foreign Languages

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in European Medieval Studies: Images, Texts and Contexts

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Module 7: Master Dissertation

Master Dissertation - Professional Orientation

Master in Cultural Services (3ªed) [in extinction]

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Master's Degree Project Professional Guidance

Master Dissertation - Research Orientation

Master in Cultural Services (3ªed) [in extinction]

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Master's Degree Project Research Orientation

Master's Dissertation

Master in artificial intelligence

2nd year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master’s Dissertation

Master's Dissertation

Master's Degree in Cultural Services (4th Ed.)

1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Internship and Master's Dissertation

Master's Dissertation

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Módulo de Especificación: TFM


Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Advanced Module: Interdisciplinarity and Applications

Narrative Forms and Genres

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 4: Optional Subjects of the Study and Edition of Literary Texts Itinerary

Oral Language Learning

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Didactic-Disciplinary

Oral Language Learning

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Didactic-Disciplinary Ed. Childhood Training

Oral Language Learning

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Didactic-Disciplinary Ed. Childhood Training

Performance analysis

Cultural Management Degree (2nd Ed.)

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Performance analysis

Cultural Management Degree (2nd Ed.)

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects

Performance and Analysis of Performing Arts

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 6: Optional Subjects of the Theoretical and Comparative Studies of Literature and Culture Itinerary

Poetic Forms and Genres

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 4: Optional Subjects of the Study and Edition of Literary Texts Itinerary

Prácticas externas

Cultural Management Degree (2nd Ed.)

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Internship and Final Dissertation


Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Module 5: Optional Business Internships

Practicum 1

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Experimental Scieces, Mathematics and Computer Technology

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 1

Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Social Sciences and Humanities Specialty

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 1

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Service Sector Specialty

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 1

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Languages and Literatures Specialty

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 1

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Arts Specialty

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 1

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Educational Guidance Specialty

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 1

Master in Teaching of Obligatory Compulsory Secondary Education and High School Teaching, Professional Training and Language Teaching (L)

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 1

Master in Teaching of Obligatory Compulsory Secondary Education and High School Teaching, Professional Training and Language Teaching (L)

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 1

Specialization in Language and Literature: Foreign Languages

1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 2

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Experimental Scieces, Mathematics and Computer Technology

1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 2

Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Social Sciences and Humanities Specialty

1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 2

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Service Sector Specialty

1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 2

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Languages and Literatures Specialty

1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 2

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Arts Specialty

1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum 2

Master in Compulsory and High Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching. Educational Guidance Specialty

1st year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum

Practicum I

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum I

Practicum I

Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum I

Practicum I

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum I

Practicum I

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum I

Practicum II: average

Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education

4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum II: without mention

Practicum II: average

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum II: without mention ( Primary Ed.)

Practicum II: Hearing and Speech branch

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Optional subject for Mention in Audition and Linguistics ( Primary Ed.)

Practicum II: Physical Education (PE) branch

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Optional subject for Mention in Physical Education ( Primary Ed.)

Professional training placement

Bachelor of Journalism

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Work placements in journalistic companies

Professional training placement

Bachelor of Journalism [in extinction]

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Work placements in journalistic companies

Professional training placement

Double bachelor degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication

3rd year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Optional subjects for Journalism

Professional training placement

Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Work placements in audiovisual companies

Professional training placement

Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication [in extinction]

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | Work placements in audiovisual companies

professional training placement

Bachelor's degree in History of Art [in extinction]

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of degree project and external work placements

professional training placement

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of degree project and external work placements

professional training placement

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

professional training placement

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

professional training placement

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

professional training placement

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

Professional training placement

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion [in extinction]

3rd year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

Professional training placement

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning) [in extinction]

3rd year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements- Blended learning


Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications


Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Rhetoric and Literary Preceptive

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 4: Optional Subjects of the Study and Edition of Literary Texts Itinerary

Sociolinguistics and Planning

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication: Applications

Sociolinguistics and Planning

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication: Applications


Audiovisual Communcation Degree (3rd Ed.)

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training


Doble Grado en Periodismo y en Comunicación Audiovisual (3ªed)

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Formación Básica de Comunicación Audiovisual

Spanish Grammar 1: Parts of Speech

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature

Spanish Grammar 2: Syntax

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature

Spanish Grammar 2: Syntax

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Spanish Language and Literature I

Spanish Grammar 2: Syntax

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Spanish Language and Literature I

Spanish Grammar 2: Syntax

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Spanish Language and Literature I

Spanish Grammar 3: Morphology

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature

Spanish Grammar: Syntax

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Spanish Language and Literature I

Spanish Historical Grammar

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature

Spanish language

Bachelor's degree in Journalism [in extinction]

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Courses

Spanish Language

Grado en Periodismo (3ªed)

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Formación Básica

Spanish language

Bachelor's degree in Audiovisual Communication [in extinction]

2nd year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training Subjects

Spanish Language 1

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training (choose 2 languages from the groups G01 to G08, levels 1 and 2)

Spanish Language 1

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Spanish Language

Spanish Language 1

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Spanish Language

Spanish Language 1

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Spanish Language

Spanish Language 1

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

1st year | First Semester | Basic Training | Spanish Language

Spanish Language 2

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Basic Training (choose 2 languages from the groups G01 to G08, levels 1 and 2)

Spanish Language 2

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Spanish Language

Spanish Language 2

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Spanish Language

Spanish Language 2

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Spanish Language

Spanish Language 2

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

1st year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Spanish Language

Spanish Lexicology and Lexicography

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature

Spanish Phonetics and Phonology

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Specialisation in Spanish Language and Literature

Spanish Scenic Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management [in extinction]

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Elective Courses

Spanish Scenic Arts

Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Management [in extinction]

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Elective Courses

Speech processing

Master in Applied Linguistics

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and technologies

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Survey of Linguistics

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Linguistics and language processing. Applications

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture and theatre.

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture and theatre.

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture, theatre

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture, theatre

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-comparative applications:Literature, culture, theatre

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-comparative applications:Literature, culture, theatre

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Text, Image, Cybertext

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Texts of Spanish Literature 1

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects specific to the degree

Texts of Spanish Literature 2

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects specific to the degree

Texts of Spanish Literature 3

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects specific to the degree

The Classical Tradition

Master in Literary and Culture Studies

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Module 4: Optional Subjects of the Study and Edition of Literary Texts Itinerary

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture and theatre.

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture and theatre.

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture, theatre

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture, theatre

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-comparative applications:Literature, culture, theatre

The Sociology of Literature

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-comparative applications:Literature, culture, theatre

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture and theatre.

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture and theatre.

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture, theatre

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical and comparative applications: Literature, culture, theatre

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-comparative applications:Literature, culture, theatre

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-comparative applications:Literature, culture, theatre

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Theatre Studies

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Theoretical-Comparative Applications: Literature, Culture and Theatre

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication . Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication . Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication: Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication: Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Translation Theory

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Languages and communication. Applications

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor of Journalism

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor of Journalism [in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor of Audiovisual Communication [in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project ( Childhood Ed.)

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project ( Childhood Ed.

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (2ª ed) [S]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project (Primary Ed)

Undergraduate dissertation

Bridging Course for Degree in Primary Education Teacher (2nd ed) [L]

End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project (bridging course)

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project

Undergraduate dissertation

Double bachelor degree in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project ( Primary Ed.

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in History of Art [in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project and external work placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project and external work placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in Galician Language and Literature

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in Classical Philology

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in Modern Languages and Literatures

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature [in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project and external work placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion [in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements

Undergraduate dissertation

Bachelor's degree in Cultural Sciences and Cultural Diffusion (blended learning) [in extinction]

4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements- Blended learning

Use of dictionary research

Master's Degree Erasmus Mundus in Lexicography (2nd Ed.)

1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Advanced Module: Interdisciplinarity and Applications

Variation and Change in Spanish

Bachelor's degree in Spanish Language and Literature

4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects specific to the degree

Work Placement

Master in artificial intelligence

2nd year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Work Placement