ECTS credits ECTS credits: 6
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Hours of tutorials: 1 Expository Class: 30 Interactive Classroom: 20 Total: 51
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Financial Economics and Accounting
Areas: Financial Economics and Accounting
Center Higher Technical Engineering School
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The objective of this subject is to provide the basic knowledge and tools to understand, analyze and evaluate decisions related to the field of business management. This implies, on the one hand, having a vision of the company and its functional areas, particularly of companies based on AI technologies. On the other hand, it focuses on the analysis of economic-financial information and on investment and financing decisions, supported by the use of computer tools.
1. Introduction to the business activity in the current environment.
2. Entrepreneurship: AI as a business opportunity
3. Administration and management of the company.
4. Production and human resources
5. Commercialization and marketing.
6. Financial information as the basis for decision making.
7. Finance (1): Investment analysis
8. Finance (2): General and specific sources of financing for startups.
- Impact of AI on business activity
- Applications of AI in the management of organizations: Information Systems.
- Fundamentals of financial valuation in Excel.
Basic Bibliography:
GONZALEZ DOMÍNGUEZ, F.J. y GANAZA VARGAS, J.D. (coord.) (2021). Fundamentos de economía de la empresa, Pirámide. VÁZQUEZ SUÁREZ, L. y SÁNCHEZ GÓMEZ, R. (2020): “Introducción a la gestión de empresas”. Pirámide.
Additional bibliography:
ARCHEL DOMENCH, P. LIZARRAGA DALLO, F. y SÁNCHEZ ALEGRÍA, S. (2008): Estados contables. Elaboración, análisis e interpretación. Ed. Pirámide. 2º Ed.
CASTRO ABANCÉNS, I. (2010). “Creación de empresas para emprendedores”. Pirámide.
GARCÍA RODRÍGUEZ, M. et al. (2018). Factoría de Economía de la Empresa. Problemas y test resueltos. Pirámide. GÓMEZ GRAS, J.M., et al (2012). “Manual de casos sobre creación de empresas en España”. Ed. McGraw- Hill.
HOYOS IRUARRIZAGA, J. (2022): “Plan Financiero para Start ups”. ESIC editorial, 2022.
LARRÁN JORGE, M . (2009): "Fundamentos de contabilidad financiera. Teoría y práctica". Ediciones Piramide.
MONTES, R. et al, (2021): “Inteligencia Artificial y Tecnologías Digitales para los ODS”. Real Academia de Ingeniería. Microsite:
PARTAL UREÑA, A. et al (2020): “Introducción a las finanzas empresariales” (3ª ed.). Ediciones Pirámide.
RODRÍGUEZ SANDIÁS, A. (2018): “Fundamentos de Cálculo Financiero con Excel”. Apuntes del GI VALFINAP de la USC. ROUHIAINEN, L. (2021): “Inteligencia artificial para los negocios”. Social Business.
CG2 - Ability to solve problems with initiative, decision-making, autonomy and creativity.
CB1 - That the students have demonstrated to possess and understand knowledge in an area of study that starts from the base of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, although it is supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of their field of study.
CB2 - That students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competencies usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and problem solving within their area of study.
CE9 - Ability to define and interpret the fundamentals of organizations, the basic aspects of their organization and management, the innovation process and its management, their different functional areas and their socioeconomic environment.
CE10 - Understand the new business and innovation models in the framework of companies based on artificial intelligence and its technologies.
CE11 - Ability to design and create economic-financial valuation models of projects using appropriate computer tools.
TR1 - Ability to communicate and transmit their knowledge, skills and abilities.
TR3 - Ability to create new models and solutions autonomously and creatively, adapting to new situations. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit.
TR4 - Ability to introduce the gender perspective in models, techniques and solutions based on artificial intelligence.
TR6 - Ability to integrate legal, social, environmental and economic aspects inherent to artificial intelligence, analyzing its impacts, and committing to the search for solutions compatible with sustainable development.
Expository sessions: Lecture. The professor exposes the theoretical contents and how these allow the resolution of problems or exercises. The aim is to transmit the knowledge that will serve as a basis to be applied later in the laboratory classes, seeking a greater involvement of the student.
Interactive sessions: Seminar or computer classes. These classes will be developed in smaller groups and will have as objective the revision of texts related to the contents of some of the topics of the subject, the development of practical cases or the resolution of exercises using a spreadsheet as a working tool.
The evaluation system includes two parts:
a. CONTINUOUS EVALUATION: 50% of the final grade. It includes group and individual activities (assignments and tests), which will be done throughout the course, both in the classroom and in a certain period of time. All these activities will be detailed at the beginning of the course and will fundamentally evaluate the specific competences CE10 and CE11 and the transversal competences.
b. FINAL EVALUATION: 50% of the final qualification. It will be carried out by means of an exam of all the contents worked in the course, which may include both test type questions (theoretical-practical) and short answer questions. This exam will evaluate the basic and general competences, as well as the specific CE9. In order to pass the subject, a minimum of 40% of the maximum score must be obtained in the exam, that is, 4 points out of 10.
SECOND CHANCE: The exam will have a similar structure to that of the 1st opportunity, and the conformation of the final grade will remain the same for this second opportunity.
The student will have the condition of “NOT PRESENTED” when he/she does not attend the final exam, in any of the two opportunities, regardless of the grade obtained in the continuous evaluation.
REPEATING STUDENTS: In the case of having achieved a minimum of 60% of the continuous evaluation grade, this grade may be maintained for the following year.
In case of fraudulent performance of practical activities or exams, the provisions of the “Regulations for the evaluation of students' academic performance and grade review” shall apply.
Lectures (theoretical, exercises or problems): 30 h
Practical sessions in the computer classroom: 20 h
Individual tutoring of students: 1 h
Evaluation: 4 h
Students' personal work (study, exercises, practices, projects) and other activities (non face-to-face evaluation): 95 hours.
TOTAL: 150 H
Regular attendance to classes.
Basic MS Office skills (word, ppt and excel).
Mª Loreto Fernandez Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Area
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Phone
- 881811623
- loreto.fernandez [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Bianca Cid Bouzas
- Department
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- Area
- Financial Economics and Accounting
- bianca.cid [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary supply professor to reduce teaching hours
Wednesday | |||
09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | IA.11 |
12:00-14:30 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | Spanish | IA.12 |
Thursday | |||
09:00-10:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | IA.11 |
10:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | Spanish | IA.13 |
Friday | |||
10:30-12:30 | Grupo /CLIL_03 | Spanish | IA.13 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_03 | IA.01 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | IA.01 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | IA.01 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | IA.01 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_03 | IA.11 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | IA.11 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | IA.11 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | IA.11 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_03 | IA.12 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | IA.12 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | IA.12 |
05.23.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | IA.12 |
07.07.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_02 | IA.11 |
07.07.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_03 | IA.11 |
07.07.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | IA.11 |
07.07.2025 09:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLIL_01 | IA.11 |