ECTS credits ECTS credits: 3
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 49.5 Hours of tutorials: 1.5 Expository Class: 12 Interactive Classroom: 12 Total: 75
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Microbiology and Parasitology
Areas: Microbiology
Center Faculty of Veterinary Science
Call: Second Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable | 1st year (Yes)
The main objective of Veterinary Immunology is to provide students with knowledge of basic principles and technical applications of the immune response.
In particular it deals with the study of the specific resistance (innate) and specific immunity (acquired) response of the host to infection and the development of tumor cells of the immune system associated alterations (allergy, autoimmunity, immunosuppression, transfusion reactions and rejection of transplanted tissues) as well as the applications of immunology (vaccines, serum therapy and immunological methods).
ITEM 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. Innate (unspecific) and acquired (adaptive, specific) immunity. Brief history of Veterinarian Immunology. (1 hour).
ITEM 2. ANTIGENS. Antigenicity and immunogenicity. Antigenic determinations and cross reactions. Haptens. Main microbial and cellular antigens. (1 hour).
ITEM 3. ANTIBODIES: soluble shapes of B-lymphocyte receptors (BCR). Structure and functions. Types of immunoglobulins. Obtaining of conventional polyclonal antiserum. (1 hours).
ITEM 4. MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES. Concept, applications and way of obtaining. Immunotoxins. (0.5 hour).
ITEM 5. IMMUNOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS. Serologic techniques used in detection, quantification and characterization of antigens and antibodies. Reactions of agglutination, precipitation, complement fixation, neutralization, immunofluorescence and enzyme-immunoassay (EIA or ELISA). (2 hours)
ITEM 6. IMMUNE SYSTEM ORGANS. Primary (thymus, bone marrow, Peyer’s patches, bursa of Fabricius) and secondary (spleen and lymph nodes) lymphoid organs. (1 hour)
ITEM 7. CELLS THAT TAKE PART ON THE IMMUNE RESPONSE. Cells that present antigens (macrophages and dendritic cells) and types of B and T lymphocytes. (1,5 hour)
ITEM 8. ANTIGEN RECEPTOR OF T-LYMPHOCYTES (TCR): structure and functions. (0,5 hour).
ITEM 9. DIVERSITY GENERATION. Variability of immunoglobulins and the antigen receptor of T cells. Genetic bases (1 hour).
ITEM 10. MAJOR HISTOCOMPABILITY COMPLEX (MHC). Structure and functions of the MHC molecules of class I, II and III. (1 hour).
ITEM 11. CELL COLLABORATION IN THE HUMOUR IMMUNE RESPONSE. Interactions between B and T collaborator lymphocytes. Plasmatic cells that produce antibodies and memory lymphocytes. Primary and secondary immune response. Theory of clonal selection. (1 hour).
ITEM 12. CELL IMMUNE RESPONSE. Responses mediated by cytotoxic T lymphocytes, NK cells and K cells. (1 hour).
ITEM 13. IMMUNITY IN THE FOETUS AND THE NEWBORN BABY. Development of the immune system. Immune response in newborn babies. Passive transference of immunity from mother to baby. Development of the immune response in newborn babies. Passive immunity in the chicken. (1 hour).
ITEM 14. IMMUNITY OF BODY SURFACES. Lymphoid tissues in mucous membranes. Digestive track, mammal glands, urogenital pathways, respiratory pathways and skin (0.5 hour).
ITEM 15. VACCINES. Immunotherapy: passive and active immunization. Immunization methods and vaccine production. Vaccine and adjuvant administration. Vaccines against infectious agents and against cancer. (1 hour).
ITEM 16. IMMUNITY AGAINST INFECTIOUS AGENTS: viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. (2 hour).
ITEM 17. TUMOUR IMMUNOLOGY. The tumour as a grafted tissue. Tumour antigens. Immune responses against tumours and evasion mechanisms. Immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy. (0.5 hours).
ITEM 18. INNATE IMMUNITY: neutrophils, macrophages and inflammation. Phagocytes (poly-morphonuclear and macrophage), vasodilatation, increase of vascular permeability, phagocyte migration and tissue repairing. (1,5 hour).
ITEM 19. THE COMPLEMENT SYSTEM. Component. Activation by the classical and alternative way (Properdin). Functions and importance (0.5 hours).
ITEM 20. VIRAL INTERFERONS: concept, kinds and functions. (0.5 hours).
ITEM 21. HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS. Type I: allergic reactions, IgE and mast cells. Type II. Transfusion reactions, diseases of the newly-born child and hypersensitivity of type II to drugs and in the infectious diseases. Type III: diseases caused by immunocomplexes (Rheumatoid arthritis and glomerulonephritis). Type IV: delayed hypersensitivity by contact, of the tuberculin and granulomatous type. Organ transplant and rejection of grafting. (1 hour).
ITEM 22. AUTOIMMUNITY AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES. General features and types of autoimmune diseases. Genetic factors, pathogenesis and etiology. (0.5 hours).
ITEM 24. IMMUNITY EVOLUTION. Immunity in invertebrates and vertebrates. (0.5 hours)
-Practice LB1. Serotyping of Escherichia coli: Determination of the O-antigen.
-Practice LB2. Quick test of agglutination with latex particles to identify Staphylococcus aureus strains.
-Practice LB3. Determination of blood-types by agglutination with monoclonal antibodies.
-Practice LB4. Serodiagnosis of brucellosis by agglutination using the test of the antigen dyed with Rose Bengal.
-Practice LB5. ELISA for detecting viral antigens in clinical samples.
-Prectice LB6. Inmunocromatography for viral antigen detection.
Basic bibliography
KUBY INMUNOLOGÍA. Jenni Punt, Sharon A. Stranford, Patricia P. Jones, Judith A. Owen. 8ª Edición (2020). Editorial MCGRAW-HILL.
Complementary bibliography
INMUNOLOGÍA. David Male, R. Stokes Peebles Jr, Victoria Male. 9ª edición (2021). Editorial ELSEVIER.
VACUNAS VETERINARIAS. IAN R. TIZARD. 1ª Edición (2022) Editorial Acribia.
MANUAL DE INMUNOLOGÍA VETERINARIA. Esperanza Gómez-Lucía, María del Mar Blanco, Ana Doménech. Editorial: Pearson Educación SA, Madrid 2007
INMUNOLOGÍA VETERINARIA. José ángel Gutiérrez Pabello. Editorial: El Manual Moderno. México, 2010
INMUNO POWER. CONOCE Y FORTALECE TUS DEFENSAS. África González. (2021) Editorial Esfera de los Libros.
-GVUSC01. Ability to learn and adapt.
-GVUSC02. Capability for analysis and synthesis.
-GVUSC03. General knowledge ofthe working area.
-GVUSC06. Capability to work both independently and as part of a team.
-CEDVUSC 05. Basic and applied principles of the immune response.
-CEDVUSC 16. To know the basic analytical techniques and its interpretation.
3. SPECIFIC PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES (expertise, day-one skills)
-D1VUSC 03. Perform standard laboratory tests, and interpret clinical, biological and chemical results
-CEAVUSC 08. Being aware of the need to keep professional skills and knowledge up-to-date through a process of lifelong learning.
-CTVUSC 01. Capacity for reasoning and argument.
-CTVUSC 02. Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information by various means such as literature and Internet information, and critically analyze it.
-CTVUSC 03. Ability to develop and present an organized and understandable text.
-Lectures with TIC support.
-Practical work supervised by the teacher.
-Programmed tutorials.
-Individual tutorials.
The contents of the Theory Program will be shown in 50-minute lectures during which students are encouraged to participate in discussions that arise. The guidance materials presented will be available in advance through the Virtual Campus.
The practical lessons will be performed in the laboratory of practices of the Unit of Microbiology of Pavillón I at the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences. Attendance at practical sessions is compulsory to pass this subject.
Besides programmed tutorials, the professor will be available for students in her desk during tutoring hours (6 hours per week). The purpose of individual tutorials is to solve particular cases of the student related to the subject.
The evaluation will be carried out based on the following sections:
The score corresponding to the Continuous Assessment will be 20% of the final grade, which will be assigned as follows:
- Practical classes: The practical contents account for 10% of the final evaluation (1 point). Through a questionnaire performed at the end of the second session, the teacher will verify knowledge acquisition on practical lessons.
-Masterclasses and scheduled tutorials: Attendance and participation will account for 10% of the final evaluation (1 point).
The score corresponding to the Written Assessment will be 80% of the final grade.
The written test will be carried out on the date and time agreed by the Faculty Board, in the room reserved for said purpose. The written exam may include multiple choice and short questions and topics to be developed.
The calculation of the final mark will be = Continuous Evaluation Note (2 points) + Written Evaluation Note (8 points)
The mark to pass the course will be 5 in all cases.
Repeating students will keep the score corresponding to the Continuous Evaluation Note.
The dispensation of attendance at practical classes is not contemplated. Attendance exemption to practical classes is not contemplated. Those students who meet the exemption requirements for the other activities (Instrución Nº1/2017 da Secretaría Xeral) will be evaluated through a final exam that will account for 90% of the final grade, the remaining 10% being the grade optained in practice reports.
- Lectures: 23 hours
- Labs: 6 hours
- Programmed tutorials: 1 hour
- Total hours of student's classroom work: 30
- Individual study time: 30 hours
- Study and development of memory of practical course: 3 hours
- Literature review, library, etc..: 10 hours
- Writing exams: 2 hours
- Total hours of personal student work: 45
The student should attend the lectures and tutorials scheduled for proper training in this field and also to get a positive Continuous Assessment.
It is advisable to study the subject assiduously and to attend programmed tutorials to solve doubts.
IMPORTANT: For cases of fraudulent performance of exercises or tests, it will be applicable or established not in article 16 of the Regulation "Normativa de Avaliación do Rendemento Académico e Revisión de cualificación sobre o plaxio nas probas".
Jorge Blanco Alvarez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Azucena Del Carmen Mora Gutierrez
- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- azucena.mora [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Professor
Leticia Carballeira Campa
- Department
- Microbiology and Parasitology
- Area
- Microbiology
- leticia.carballeira.campa [at]
- Category
- USC Pre-doctoral Contract
Tuesday | |||
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS13 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS02 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS05 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS08 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS11 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS03 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS06 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS09 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS12 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS01 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS04 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS07 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
12:00-13:00 | Grupo /TI-ECTS10 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
Wednesday | |||
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
Thursday | |||
10:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish | Classroom 1 |
11:00-12:00 | Grupo /CLE_02 | Spanish | Classroom 4 |
05.27.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 1 |
05.27.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 2 |
05.27.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 3 |
06.25.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 1 |
06.25.2025 09:00-11:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 2 |