Recursos creados por el GI-1350 Románicas
Cartografía de la lírica profana gallego-portuguesa – CANTICAR
CANTICAR is a resource that graphically materializes the toponyms of Galician-Portuguese secular letters not only to complete the knowledge about medieval toponymy itself, but also so that its users understand the sociopolitical dimensions in which the texts were prepared, since, among others benefits, it offers the reconstruction of the borders of the peninsular kingdoms throughout the troubadour movement (ca. 1170-1350).
Diálogos satíricos en las redes socioculturales de la lírica gallego-portuguesa – REDES LÍRICAS
The cantigas de escarnio and the tenzóns allow us to witness contacts between authors of the Galician-Portuguese lyric school. This portal aims to provide literary, historical and biographical information about these troubadours and minstrels, as well as facilitate new perspectives on their sociocultural and literary networks, providing a new research tool.
Bibliografía de Referencia do Arquivo Galicia Medieval – BiRMED
The Bibliografía de Referencia do Arquivo Galicia Medieval (BiRMED) is a database intended to help as a work tool for galician medieval literature scholars (profane Galician-portuguese poetry, Cantigas de Santa María and literary prose). This resource is formed by an searching interface which allows to recover data through multiple strategies and facilitates both reference search and contact between scientific production.
Publicaciones do Arquivo Galicia Medieval – ArGaMed
ArGaMed is a series of publications that complements the projects Lírica profana galego-portuguesa, Cantigas de Santa Maria, Prosa literaria galega medieval and BiRMED, all of them developed at the Ramón Piñeiro Center for Research in the Humanities.
It publishes two issues per year, which may contain studies or editions (critical or paleographic, new or revised) related to the mentioned projects. The series also includes both monographs (individually or collectively) and miscellaneous works by the same author or different authors.
Base de datos de la Lírica profana gallego-portuguesa – MedDB
The Base de datos da lírica profana galego-portuguesa (MedDB3) is an electronic resource online since 1998 which provides researchers and medieval poetry scholars with the complete corpus of galician-portuguese cantigas. Developed by Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades, was the first electronic tool designed to offer the whole information about cantigas in a fast, rigorous and actualized way.
Base de datos paleográfica da lírica galego-portuguesa – PalMed
PalMed is a database that offers the paleographic transcription of all the manuscript testimonies of the Galician-Portuguese lyric. Its aim is to facilitate the work of researchers interested in conducting paleographic, graphematic, linguistic and ecdotic studies on the troubadour production of the Iberian West. For the correct management of the platform, the user must keep in mind that the Project team has established a series of conventions, which are set out in the ‘Editing Criteria’. In addition, researchers can always contrast the transcripts with the images in the manuscripts, which will open in the corresponding browser tab.
Resources in which the GI-1350 Románicas collaborates
- Prosopographical Atlas of Romance Literatura
- POSTDATA (Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data), Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales (UNED).
- Universo Cantigas. Edición crítica da poesía medieval galego-portuguesa, Universidade da Coruña.
- Une histoire sociale des Langues Romanes (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3)
- Medievalitis (portal web de divulgación de novas e eventos relacionadas cos Estudos medievais)
Another resources
- Pacto de irmãos. Os primórdios da língua escrita (documental)
- Roteiro da Lírica Medieval
- As ribeiras do Miño, o berce da lírica hispánica. (Documental). Ver en Youtube
- Vai lavar cabelos na fontana fría. As orixes da lírica hispánica (CD). Escuchar en bandcamp
- Diálogos sobre la lírica gallega medieval(con Carlos Núñez e Mariña Arbor). Ver en Youtube
- Pero Meogo cantado por Antoni Rossell. Ver en Youtube
- Fragmento Vai lavar cabelos na fontana fría. Ver en Youtube
- Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas La Semyr
Other resource listings
Página de enlaces de interés recogidos en la web de Société de Linguistique Romane: Colloques et congrès « Société de Linguistique Romane (
- Página de recursos catalogados por la Red de Estudios Medievales Interdisciplinares
- Página de enlaces recogidos en la web de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval
- Página de enlaces recogidos en la web de la Società Italiana di Filologia Romanza