Catalogue of grants and scholarships managed by the University of Santiago de Compostela. USC scholarships and study grants The USC has grants from its budget to facilitate the study of its staff. At the same time, it has specific grants for students in the 4th Cycle and others for … Scholarships from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training The USC acts as the processing unit for the Ministry's calls for the General Scholarship for university studies and the Collaboration Scholarship. Bolsas culturais e deportivas Grants and advice Outras bolsas Axudas “José Otero-Carmela Martínez” para doutorandos/as da USC 2023/24
USC scholarships and study grants The USC has grants from its budget to facilitate the study of its staff. At the same time, it has specific grants for students in the 4th Cycle and others for …
Scholarships from the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training The USC acts as the processing unit for the Ministry's calls for the General Scholarship for university studies and the Collaboration Scholarship.