ECTS credits ECTS credits: 4.5
ECTS Hours Rules/Memories Student's work ECTS: 74.5 Hours of tutorials: 2 Expository Class: 18 Interactive Classroom: 18 Total: 112.5
Use languages Spanish, Galician
Type: Ordinary Degree Subject RD 1393/2007 - 822/2021
Departments: Agroforestry Engineering
Areas: Agroforestry Engineering
Center Higher Polytechnic Engineering School
Call: First Semester
Teaching: With teaching
Enrolment: Enrollable
To know, understand and use the principles of auxiliary equipment and machinery of the agri-food industry. Automation and process control.
Food processing equipment: materials, hygienic design, finishes. Mechanical transmissions. Hydraulics. Fans Compressors Pneumatics: use in automation and control. Pipes, valves and accessories. Use in process automation and regulation. Elements, calculation, regulation and control of pressurized air installations and fuel supply in the Food Industry. Combustion and smoke removal. Energy efficiency in the Food Industries. Cogeneration systems.
THEORY (18 horas)
PART 1.- Mechanical means used in the agri-food industry (6 hours, equally distributed among the different units).
Unit 1.1.- Electric motors in AI. Types, performance and uses in AI (asynchronous, universal, step by step). Characteristic curves. Selection
Unit 1.2.- Mechanical transmissions. Axes and clamping. Gears, chains, belts, connecting rod-crank and cams. Practical examples of use in AI equipment.
Unit 1.3.- Variation of the working speed of equipment elements in the AI. Examples. Speed reducers. Adjustments of flow, temperatures and duration of heat treatments.
Unit 1.4.- Transmissions using fluids. Oil hydraulics and pneumatics. Importance and applications in AI. Elements: actuators, pressurized fluid, valves (safety, tracks, flow and logic, actuation). Importance in automation
PART 2.- Food processing equipment (6 hours, equally distributed among the different units).
Unit 2.1.- Regulations, materials, hygienic design and finishing of equipment in the AI
Unit 2.2.- Transport of solids: conveyor belts, screw and auger conveyors, chain conveyors, elevators, transport by water and pneumatic. Dealers. Silos
Unit 2.3.- Handling of food liquids I. Drive. Food use pumps, effects on the fluid and applications. Centrifugal pumps, liquid ring, lobed rotor and elliptical rotor, eccentric screw, piston, diaphragm
Unit 2.4.- Handling of food liquids II. Transport. Pipes, accessories and standards. Types of valves for the transport of food fluids, actuation and applications: closing, diversion, seat, butterfly, non-return, modulating. Valve systems
Unit 2.5.- Handling of food liquids III. Storage. Types of deposits, materials and uses in the AI: reception, storage, launch, treatments, normalization and mixing, aseptic deposits, fermenters. Materials design, layout, location and finishes. Elements: stirrers, cleaning nozzles, temperature sensors, levels, always filled, stirring systems, thermal insulation, heating and cooling, CIP cleaning systems
Unit 2.6.- Heat treatment equipment. Ovens: applications (pastries, biscuits, meat products cooking), constitution and types (of cars, floors, rotary, convection, tunnel). Cooking kettles: applications, elements, molds, loading and unloading. Exchangers: constitution, types (plates, tubular, scraped surface) and applications.
Unit 2.7.- Mills and grinders: function and applications (preparation of pulp, mincers, milling); types (rollers, hammers, disc, gravitational). Slicers, cutters and graters. Presses: constitution and types (endless screw, hydraulic, pneumatic, continuous, with bands); applications (enology, cheese, granulators, extruders, laminators, waste treatment).
Unit 2.8.- Mixers and mixers: constitution and types (spiral, arms, oblique axis, continuous); applications (bakery, meat products, feed). Centrifuges and decanters: operating principle and constituent elements; applications (sanitizers and skimmers, sludge decanters).
Unit 2.9.- Dosing machines: dosing systems for solids, liquids and viscous products. Packaging machines: applications and types (vacuum, inert atmosphere). Labellers. Bottling and rinsing, filling, capping and labeling lines. Labellers.
Unit 2.10.- Bagging, boxing, palletizing, wrapping machines
PART 3.- Basic elements and accessories in ancillary installations of agri-food industries (6 hours, equally distributed among the different units).
Unit 3.1.- Ancillary installations in agri-food industries. Functions and fluids they use
Unit 3.2.- Basic components of the facilities: containers, boilers, exchangers, pumps, compressors, fans. Modeling and fundamentals of calculation. Applicable regulations.
Unit 3.3.- Pipes: materials, unions, accessories, pipe work, arrangement and fixation, insulation, protection against oxidation and electrolytic corrosion (cathodic protection). Conduction systems appropriate to each installation.
Unit 3.4.- Valves and accessories (filters, separators, dryers, drains). Drive and uses in the automation and regulation of agro-industrial processes
Unit 3.5.- Application in the main agro-industrial facilities: heating, refrigeration, compressed air and fuel supply.
Note: this distribution of theory hours by subject is for guidance only and may be modified by teachers depending on the progress of the subject, and the needs and preferences of students.
VISITS will be made to the most representative agri-food industries:
Slaughterhouse, meat industry and ham dryer
Industry for processing fruits and vegetable products (chestnuts) and a wine cellar with D.O. Ribeira Sacra.
Dairy industry for cheese making and feed mill
In the VISITS, students, accompanied by industry personnel and subject teachers, are reminded of the processes and the different parts of the facilities, machinery and finishing materials of the industry, while observing them, go through the different rooms.
VISITS are COMPULSORY, are valued in attendance, and are evaluated for being part of the knowledge asked in the exams of the subject.
Approximately, the laboratory PRACTICES and interactive seminars will have the following HOURS DISTRIBUTION:
Mechanical means used in the agri-food industry (6 hours, equally divided between the different subjects)
Food processing equipment (6 hours, equally divided between the different subjects)
Basic elements and accessories of complementary AI installations (6 hours, equally divided between the different topics)
TUTORING (2 hours)
Personal and group work monitoring, and doubts resolution.
Mechanical means used in the agri-food industry (24,5 hours, equally distributed among the different units)
Food processing equipment (25 hours, equally distributed among the different units)
Basic elements and accessories in ancillary installations of agri-food industries (25 hours, equally distributed among the different units)
Virtual Campus: notes, videos and links left on the Virtual Campus.
ALFA LAVAL. Manual de industrias lácteas. Ed. AMV. Madrid
ATLAS COPCO AIR POWER NV. Manual de Aire Comprimido. ISBN: 9789081535816
CARNICER, E. Aire comprimido. Teoría y cálculo de las instalaciones. Ed. Paraninfo. ISBN 84-283-1813-1
CARNICER, E. y MAINAR, C. Oleohidráulica. Conceptos básicos. Ed. Paraninfo. ISBN: 84-283-2438-7
GARCIA-VAQUERO, E. AYUGA, F. Diseño y construcción de Industrias Agroalimentarias. Ed. Mundi P. Madrid
MORAN, M.J. y SHAPIRO, H. N. Fundamentos de Termodinámica Técnica. Ed. Reverté. Barcelona, España.
SÁNCHEZ, M. T. Procesos de elaboración de alimentos y bebidas. Ed. AMV. Madrid
SERRANO, A. Oleohidráulica. Ed: McGraw Hill. ISBN: 84-481-3527-X
DE GROOT, J. P. Tecnología de los circuitos hidráulicos. Editorial CEAC. ISBN: 84-329-1113-5
HERRERO, A. Conservación de frutos. Ed. Mundi-P. Madrid
LÓPEZ, A. Las instalaciones frigoríficas en la industria alimentaria. Ed. AMV. Madrid
MADRID, A. Curso de industrias lácteas. Ed. AMV. Madrid
MADRID, A. Piensos y alimentos para animales. Ed. AMV y Mundi-P. Madrid
MANNESMANN REXROTH PNEUMATIK GmbH. Neumática Básica. Training neumático. Compendio 1. ISBN: 3-8023-0291-5
RD 1495/1991. Disposiciones de aplicación de la Directiva del Consejo de las Comunidades Europeas 87/404/CEE, sobre recipientes a presión simples
RD 2085/1994 por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Instalaciones Petrolíferas.
RD 769/1999 por el que se dictan las disposiciones de aplicación de la Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, 97/23/CE, relativa a los equipos de presión.
RD 919/2006, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento técnico de distribución y utilización de combustibles gaseosos y sus instrucciones técnicas complementarias
RD 2060/2008, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de equipos a presión y sus instrucciones técnicas complementarias
REAL DECRETO 552/2019 por el que se aprueban el Reglamento de seguridad para instalaciones frigoríficas y sus instrucciones técnicas complementarias (B.O.E. 24.10.2019).
RODRÍGUEZ, E. Industrias de la alimentación. Ed. Bellisco. Madrid
SERRANO, A. Neumática. Ed. Paraninfo. ISBN: 84-283-2275-9
VICKERS. Curso de diseño de circuitos hidráulicos.
VICKERS. Manual de Oleohidráulica Industrial. ISBN: 84-7031-537-4
Basic and general competences
CB4.- Students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialized and non-specialized audience.
CG1.- Knowledge of basic, scientific and technological subjects that allow continuous learning, as well as an ability to adapt to new situations or changing environments.
CG3.- Leadership, communication and transmission of knowledge, abilities and skills in the social fields of action.
CG4.- Ability to search and use the rules and regulations related to its scope.
Cross-cutting competences
CT1.- Analysis and synthesis capacity.
CT3.- Individual work capacity, with a self-critical attitude.
CT4.- Ability to work in groups and cover problematic situations collectively.
CT5.- Ability to obtain adequate, diverse and updated information.
CT7.- Ability to make a public presentation in a clear, concise and coherent way.
CT12.- Ability to solve problems through the integrated application of their knowledge.
Specific competences
CEG1.- Capacity for the previous preparation, conception, writing and signature of projects that have for object the construction, reform, repair, conservation, demolition, manufacture, installation, assembly or exploitation of movable or immovable goods that by their nature and characteristics remain included in the technique of agricultural and livestock production (facilities or buildings, farms, infrastructure and rural roads), the agri-food industry (extractive, fermentative, dairy, canning, fruit and vegetable, meat, fishing, salting and, in general, any other dedicated to the elaboration and / or transformation, conservation, manipulation and distribution of alimentary products) and the gardening and the paisajismo (urban and / or rural green spaces -parks, gardens, nurseries, urban arborado, etc.-, public or private sport installations and surroundings subjected to landscape recovery).
CEG2.- Adequate knowledge of physical problems, technologies, machinery and water and energy supply systems, the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations, and the relationships between facilities or buildings and farms, agro-food industries and spaces related to gardening and landscaping with their social and environmental environment, as well as the need to relate those and that environment with human needs and preservation of the environment.
CEG3.- Ability to direct the execution of the works object of the projects related to agri-food industries, farms and green spaces and their buildings, infrastructures and facilities, the prevention of risks associated with that execution and the leadership of multidisciplinary teams and resource management human, in accordance with deontological criteria.
CEG4.- Ability to write and sign measurements, segregations, subdivisions, valuations and appraisals within the rural environment, the technique of the agri-food industry and spaces related to gardening and landscaping, whether or not they have the character of expert reports for organs judicial or administrative, and regardless of the use for which the movable or immovable property object of the same is destined.
CEG5.- Ability to write and sign rural development, environmental impact and waste management studies for the agri-food industries, agricultural and livestock farms, and spaces related to gardening and landscaping.
CR8.- Ability to know, understand and use the principles of management and use of agro-industrial by-products.
IA2.- Ability to know, understand and use the principles of Engineering of the agri-food industries: Auxiliary equipment and machinery of the agri-food industry. Automation and process control. Engineering of works and installations. Agro-industrial constructions. Waste management and use.
Note: these competences are acquired together with other subjects of the degree.
There will be face-to-face theory classes (expository teaching), practices (practices and group work), and tutorials. They will be complemented with on-line support for teaching using Microsoft Teams and Moodle, as well as the official email and informal WhatsApp groups.
It will be delivered through face-to-face theoretical classes in which the topics of the program will be developed. Students will take questionnaires and clarify doubts about the concepts explained using forums. For this, Microsoft Teams and the virtual classroom will be used. (Competences CG1, CG4, CT1, CT3, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CR8, IA2).
INTERACTIVE TEACHING (practices and group work)
In it students will work both individually and in groups, and in person with virtual support. There will be seminars, exercises will be carried out, and several practical works related to the contents of the subject will be elaborated and exhibited. The seminars, the explanation of the tasks, the formation of groups of practices, the accomplishment of part of the work, and the expositions and sharings in the plenary session will be done in face-to-face sessions synchronously. Moodle will be used as a support to provide information, resolve queries, guide and monitor the progress of the execution of the main tasks, and make deliveries and evaluate them. Each group will have full freedom to organize their work, having to respect in any case the milestones that are established, especially the delivery dates. In order for the distribution of the workload over time to be uniform, it will be coordinated with expository teaching, and readings, searches, questionnaires, homework monitoring events and public presentations of the work will alternate. (Competences CB4, CG3, CG4, CT1, CT4, CT5, CT7, CT12, CEG1, IA2).
They will be used to guide students and solve personal doubts. The scheduled face-to-face tutorials will take place synchronously. The individual ones and those intended to support to the group work will be carried out asynchronously, in person, using the virtual classroom forums, or by any other suitable virtual means (email or Microsoft Teams).
THEORY: (50% of the grade). Throughout the course there will be several exams, which will consist of written tests with short questions and problems. (Competences CG1, CG4, CT1, CT3, CEG1, CEG2, CEG3, CEG4, CEG5, CR8, IA2).
SEMINARS AND PRACTICES: (35% of the mark) by evaluating the deliveries of the proposed works, both individually and in groups. To pass the course, it is mandatory to do more than 80% of the practical works that are proposed to the student during the course. In the case of group activities, in order to ensure that everyone contributes adequately to carrying out the work, teachers may reserve up to 30% of the corresponding work score to individually and subjectively assess attitude, work readiness and contributions of each student. (Competences CB4, CG3, CT1, CG4, CT1, CT4, CT5, CT7, CT12, CEG1, IA2).
ATTENDANCE: (15% of the grade).
The realization of partial exams of theory and problems and the distribution of the deliveries of the practical works throughout the course, together with the evaluation of the attendance assure a percentage of continuous evaluation superior to 50%.
Students who have not been able to successfully follow the subject by course must take the final exam for the subject. This exam will consist of a theoretical part and a problem-solving part related to practicals. Each party will score 50% of the total grade and the grade for attendance will not be computed.
Students with exemption from attendance must take the final exam for the course. This exam will consist of a theoretical part and a problem-solving part related to practicals. Each party will score 50% of the total grade and the grade for attendance will not be computed.
These criteria will be maintained for the extraordinary call for July and for repeating students.
The fraudulent completion of any exercise or test required in the evaluation of a subject will imply the qualification of fail in the corresponding call, regardless of the disciplinary process that can be followed against the offending student. It will be considered fraudulent, among others, the realization of works plagiarized or obtained from sources accessible to the public without reworking or reinterpretation, and without citing the authors of the sources. For cases of fraudulent completion of exercises or tests, the provisions of the "Regulations for evaluating the academic performance of students and reviewing grades" will apply.
Expository teaching in group of up to 80 students: 18
Interactive teaching in groups of 20 students: 18
Tutoring in groups of 10 students: 2
Assessment activities: 2
Mechanical means used in the agri-food industry (24,5 hours, equally distributed among the different units)
Food processing equipment (25 hours, equally distributed among the different units)
Basic elements and accessories in ancillary installations of agri-food industries (25 hours, equally distributed among the different units)
It is recommended to attend all the teaching activities, either face-to-face or virtual, since they provide a large amount of dispersed and continually evolving information, for which there is no updated bibliography. Therefore, the topics and information left in the virtual classroom by the teachers will be used as a basis, as well as that generated by the students working in groups. It is also recommended to consult the aforementioned bibliography, as well as any other related to the topics to be discussed, either in paper or electronic format.
Much of the skills of the subject can only be acquired in practice, so it is mandatory to do at least 80% of the practical work proposed to the student during the course.
It is also recommended to make frequent use of tutorials by the available means for any type of matter related to the subject.
Maximo Antonio Dugo Paton
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Phone
- 982823213
- maximo.dugo [at]
- Category
- Professor: University School Lecturer
Julio Gomez Fernandez
Coordinador/a- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- julio.gomez [at]
- Category
- Professor: Temporary PhD professor
Enrique Rafael Arbones Maciñeira
- Department
- Agroforestry Engineering
- Area
- Agroforestry Engineering
- enrique.arbones [at]
- Category
- Professor: University Lecturer
Wednesday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |
Thursday | |||
16:00-17:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Spanish, Galician | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |
19:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Galician, Spanish | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |
01.14.2025 16:00-20:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 5 (Lecture room 2) |
06.19.2025 10:00-14:00 | Grupo /CLE_01 | Classroom 4 (Lecture room 1) |