El doble grado en Farmacia y Óptica y Optometría busca formar expertos, tanto en todos los aspectos relacionados con los fármacos y los medicamentos, como formar profesionales altamente calificados para al cuidado de la atención primaria de la salud visual, consonte las Directivas Europeas referentes a las titulaciones, tanto de Farmacia como de Óptica y Optometría.
Pharmacy & Optics and Optometry Double Degree
6 academic years
RUCT code: 7000777
Seats number: 10
Dean or center director:
Mª de los Reyes Laguna Francia
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
MECES Level: 2
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Professional qualification:
This qualification enables the exercise of the regulated professions of Pharmacist and Optical-Optometrist.
Los grados de Farmacia y Óptica y Optometría cuentan con la suficiente interrelación para conseguir hacer viable el itinerario de una doble titulación. Las competencias que adquieren en conjunto los estudiantes les permitirán contar con un perfil profesional más versátil ampliando los ámbitos en los que pueden desarrollarse.
Geometric Optics
- G2041108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
The Fundamentals of Optometry
- G2041110
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Mathematics and Statistics I
- G2081101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
General Chemistry
- G2081102
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Anatomy, histology and cytology
- G2081103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Applied Physics and Physics-Chemistry I
- G2081104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Mathematics and Statistics II
- G2081105
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081106
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Legislation and Deontology
- G2081121
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Analytical Techniques
- G2081122
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Inorganic Chemistry
- G2081123
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Organic Chemistry I
- G2081124
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical-Chemistry II
- G2081125
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical Optics
- G2041223
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Ocular Diseases I
- G2041231
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Human Physiology I
- G2081201
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Biochemistry I
- G2081202
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Physiology II
- G2081203
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Biochemistry II
- G2081204
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Plant Physiology
- G2081205
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Organic Chemistry II
- G2081221
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology I
- G2081222
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081223
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology II
- G2081224
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081225
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Public Health I
- G2081226
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics I
- G2041224
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optical Instrumentation
- G2041226
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics II
- G2041227
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081321
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
- G2081322
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology I
- G2081323
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Public Health II
- G2081324
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Nutrition and Bromatology I
- G2081325
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II
- G2081326
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Nutrition and Bromatology II
- G2081327
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Hematology and immunology analysis
- G2081328
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Instrumental Techniques
- G2081329
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology II
- G2081330
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics 1
- G2041225
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics II
- G2041229
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Contactology I
- G2041230
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology I
- G2081421
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Biological analysis and biochemical diagnosis
- G2081422
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081423
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology III
- G2081424
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081425
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology and parasitology analysis
- G2081426
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics I
- G2081427
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology II
- G2081428
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacotherapy for Pharmaceutical Care
- G2081429
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Visual Optics and Perception
- G2041228
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics III
- G2041321
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics III
- G2041322
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Contactology II
- G2041323
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Ocular Diseases II
- G2041324
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometric Clinic I
- G2041325
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Anomalies of Binocular Vision and Vision Rehabilitation
- G2041326
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometric Clinic II
- G2041327
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Low Vision
- G2041328
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics IV
- G2041331
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology III
- G2081521
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Management Planning
- G2081522
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics II
- G2081523
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometric Clinic III
- G2041422
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Contactology III
- G2041423
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Monitoring internship
- G2041424
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 15 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation
- G2041425
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 9 Credits
Monitoring internship
- G2081524
- Compulsory Credits
- Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
- 24 Credits
Undergraduate dissertation
- G2081525
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 6 Credits
Mathematics and Statistics I
- G2081101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
General Chemistry
- G2081102
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Anatomy, histology and cytology
- G2081103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Applied Physics and Physics-Chemistry I
- G2081104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Mathematics and Statistics II
- G2081105
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081106
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Human Physiology I
- G2081201
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Biochemistry I
- G2081202
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Physiology II
- G2081203
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Biochemistry II
- G2081204
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Plant Physiology
- G2081205
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Geometric Optics
- G2041108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
The Fundamentals of Optometry
- G2041110
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Legislation and Deontology
- G2081121
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Analytical Techniques
- G2081122
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Inorganic Chemistry
- G2081123
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Organic Chemistry I
- G2081124
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical-Chemistry II
- G2081125
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Organic Chemistry II
- G2081221
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology I
- G2081222
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081223
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology II
- G2081224
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081225
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Public Health I
- G2081226
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081321
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
- G2081322
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology I
- G2081323
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Public Health II
- G2081324
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Nutrition and Bromatology I
- G2081325
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II
- G2081326
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Nutrition and Bromatology II
- G2081327
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Hematology and immunology analysis
- G2081328
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Instrumental Techniques
- G2081329
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology II
- G2081330
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology I
- G2081421
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Biological analysis and biochemical diagnosis
- G2081422
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081423
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology III
- G2081424
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081425
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology and parasitology analysis
- G2081426
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics I
- G2081427
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology II
- G2081428
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacotherapy for Pharmaceutical Care
- G2081429
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology III
- G2081521
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Management Planning
- G2081522
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics II
- G2081523
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical Optics
- G2041223
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometrics I
- G2041224
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics 1
- G2041225
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optical Instrumentation
- G2041226
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics II
- G2041227
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Visual Optics and Perception
- G2041228
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics II
- G2041229
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Contactology I
- G2041230
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Ocular Diseases I
- G2041231
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics III
- G2041321
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics III
- G2041322
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Contactology II
- G2041323
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Ocular Diseases II
- G2041324
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometric Clinic I
- G2041325
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Anomalies of Binocular Vision and Vision Rehabilitation
- G2041326
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometric Clinic II
- G2041327
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Low Vision
- G2041328
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics IV
- G2041331
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometric Clinic III
- G2041422
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Contactology III
- G2041423
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Monitoring internship
- G2081524
- Compulsory Credits
- Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
- 24 Credits
Undergraduate dissertation
- G2081525
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 6 Credits
Monitoring internship
- G2041424
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 15 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation
- G2041425
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 9 Credits
Non se contemplan
1.- El alumnado de primer curso por primera vez a tiempo completo tienen que matricular 60 créditos. Un 15% del alumnado podrá cursar estudios a tiempo parcial (30 créditos).
2.- Continuación de estudios: libre con un máximo de 75 créditos
The University of Santiago de Compostela has a university participation and integration service (SEPIU) (http://www.usc.es/gl/servizos/sepiu) which works on the integration of people with discapacities and provides support for the development of curricular adaptations, as well as a protocol for their integration in the university community.
The USC has designed a reception plan in every center based on several points:
a) A special informative session given by the dean's team on the first day of the academic year, in which details about the functioning of the Faculty and general orientations about the study plan are explained.
b) This session concludes with the assignment to each group of ten students a student-tutor that stays with them during the whole afternoon and keeps them up to date with the academic and university life. The tutoring begins the first day of the academic year and goes on for the whole academic year.
The participation of the administration and services personnel in the student support and orientation system should also be mentioned.
The USC has a student-tutor program for the undergraduate degrees, so that final year students, after receiving training from the University, can perform orientational tasks to students initiating their studies.
Information about student-tutor program:
When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.
If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to students with the following degrees/ diplomas or studies, or any other recognized as equivalent to these:
A.1. Spanish Bachiller, European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate.
A.2. Baccalaureate from European Union Member States’ education systems or other countries withinternational agreements.
A.3. Advanced Technician in Vocational Training, Advanced Technician in Plastic Arts and Design orAdvanced Technician in Sports Education, from the Spanish Education System.
A.4.Studies carried out in European Union Member States or in other countries with international reciprocal agreements which meet the academic requirements in those States to access their university study programmes.
A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.
A.6. Partial (foreign or Spanish) university studies.
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is also possible for:
B.1. People over twenty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
B.2. People over forty with work or professional experience related to a university field of knowledge.
B.3. People over forty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
Likewise, access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to:
C.1. People meeting the requirements to enter university according to the Spanish Education System regulations prior to Ley Orgánica 8/2013, of December 9.
The double degree in Pharmacy and Optics and Optometry aims at training experts both in all the aspects related to pharmaceutical products and medicines and to train professionals highly qualified for the primary eye care, in accordance with the European Directives concerning the qualifications of both pharmacy and opticians and optometrists.
- Students must demonstrate possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study draw from the premise of a general secondary education. It is usually found in a level that —although it can be supported by advanced text books— also includes some aspects that imply knowledge arising from the forefront of their area of study.
- Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences which are usually demonstrated by means of the elaboration and defence of arguments and problem solving within their area of study
- Students must have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data —normally within their area of study— in order to make judgements that include a reflection on relevant themes of social, scientific or ethic nature.
- Students must be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a public, both specialized and non-specialized.
- Students must develop those abilities of learning necessary to start higher studies with a high degree of autonomy
See the information of each degree
See the information of each degree
See the information of each degree
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
The requisites that students must fulfill in order to take the subject Tutored Pharmacy Internships are to have completed at least 243 credits, of which at least 237 credits are compulsory
The tutored internships of Optics, with a load of 15 ECTS, have as their aim to provide the student with the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge. It is intended that the future optician-optometrist is integrated into the professional field, preparing them to perform activities to which they will devote themselves in their future professional practice.
The requisites that students must fulfill in order to take the subject Tutored Optics and Optometry is to have completed the first three academic years of the degree, and the obligatory subjects of the 4th year.
Students must complete a final dissertation of 6 credits corresponding to the Degree in Pharmacy and another of 9 credits corresponding to the Degree in Optics and Optometry.
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
Offer |
IN01 Places offered. Number of Places Offered for Each Academic Year Scale info: Whole Number |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrolment. Number of Students Enrolled in an Academic Year Excluding Incoming Mobility Program Students Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
14,0 |
9,0 |
17,0 |
17,0 |
IN03 New enrolments. Number of Students Enrolling in a Study Program for the First Time, Including Those Transferring Their Academic Records, Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, or Transitioning from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
11,0 |
4,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
IN04 Enrolment for start of studies. Number of Students Enrolling in the First Year of a Study Program for the First Time, Excluding Those Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, Transfers, or Transitions from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
11,0 |
4,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
IN05 Variation of enrolment at the start of studies. Relative Variation Rate of New Enrollment through Pre-registration Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
- |
22,22 |
-63,64 |
-9,09 |
- |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average pre-enrolment access score. Average Admission Grade through Pre-registration for Students Beginning Studies, Determining the Entry Profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimals. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values were 10.00 points, 12.00 points, or 14.00 points). |
12,2951 |
10,8536 |
10,7568 |
11,5504 |
12,4681 |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students. Percentage of foreign students among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
5,88 |
5,88 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over enrolled students. Percentage of national students from outside Galicia among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
7,14 |
33,33 |
11,76 |
29,41 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN10 Ratio of students pre-enrolled in 1st option over the places offered. Number of first-time enrolled students who pre-registered as their first choice divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
80,0 |
10,0 |
30,0 |
40,0 |
40,0 |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new enrollment students through pre-registration divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
90,0 |
110,0 |
80,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by the USC from mobility programmes over the total number of enrolled students. Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2022-2023 |
IN22 Percentage of graduates who completed external work placements. Percentage ratio between the graduates of a degree in an academic year who, during their studies, completed internships in companies and institutions, and the total number of graduates in that degree in the same academic year. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
Drop-out |
IN40 Drop-out rate during the first year. Percentage ratio between the students of an entry cohort enrolled in the degree in academic year X, who did not enroll in academic years X+1 and X+2, and the total number of students in that entry cohort who entered in academic year X. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
75,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Assessment |
IN36 Assessment rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits students presented themselves for and the total number of ordinary credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
86,11 |
77,05 |
94,68 |
81,34 |
83,71 |
Average duration of studies |
IN38 Average duration of studies. Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6,0 |
Efficiency of graduates |
IN53 Efficiency rate (graduates' performance). Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
100,0 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group. Ratio between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
28,1085 |
26,9227 |
24,8757 |
24,8869 |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in subjects (FB and OB) per theory (lecture) group. Ratio between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic training subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
80,4507 |
88,8804 |
87,5865 |
84,5728 |
Success |
IN35 Success rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
87,63 |
75,42 |
93,44 |
70,74 |
82,35 |
IN50 Success rate of graduates. Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
100,0 |
Graduation |
IN51 Graduation suitability rate. Percentage ratio between the students who completed their studies within the time planned in the curriculum or earlier and their entry cohort. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12,5 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
75,46 |
58,11 |
88,47 |
57,54 |
68,94 |
Satisfaction |
IN19 Student satisfaction with external work placement programmes. Average rating of the satisfaction survey for students with external internships. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,7778 |
IN46 Student satisfaction with the teaching received. Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
4,35 |
- |
3,09 |
3,46 |
IN47 Satisfaction of the teaching staff with the teaching given. Average rating of the faculty satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
4,1084 |
- |
4,2184 |
4,2267 |
IN48 Response rate in the survey on student satisfaction with the teaching received. Percentage of responses in the student satisfaction survey. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
50,0 |
- |
11,7647 |
11,7647 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
IN24 Percentage of teaching and research staff with six-year terms over the total teaching and research staff in the degree. Percentage ratio between the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) with research periods (sexenios) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree who may have research periods. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
93,33 |
94,63 |
93,84 |
89,47 |
94,31 |
IN25 Percentage of PhD teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
93,92 |
91,67 |
90,53 |
91,19 |
88,68 |
IN26 Percentage of civil servant teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the tenured PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
74,03 |
72,02 |
69,23 |
66,67 |
67,3 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
Offer |
IN01 Places offered. Number of Places Offered for Each Academic Year Scale info: Whole Number |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrolment. Number of Students Enrolled in an Academic Year Excluding Incoming Mobility Program Students Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
14,0 |
9,0 |
17,0 |
17,0 |
IN03 New enrolments. Number of Students Enrolling in a Study Program for the First Time, Including Those Transferring Their Academic Records, Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, or Transitioning from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
11,0 |
4,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
IN04 Enrolment for start of studies. Number of Students Enrolling in the First Year of a Study Program for the First Time, Excluding Those Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, Transfers, or Transitions from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
11,0 |
4,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
IN05 Variation of enrolment at the start of studies. Relative Variation Rate of New Enrollment through Pre-registration Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
- |
22,22 |
-63,64 |
-9,09 |
- |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average pre-enrolment access score. Average Admission Grade through Pre-registration for Students Beginning Studies, Determining the Entry Profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimals. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values were 10.00 points, 12.00 points, or 14.00 points). |
12,2951 |
10,8536 |
10,7568 |
11,5504 |
12,4681 |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students. Percentage of foreign students among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
5,88 |
5,88 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over enrolled students. Percentage of national students from outside Galicia among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
7,14 |
33,33 |
11,76 |
29,41 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN10 Ratio of students pre-enrolled in 1st option over the places offered. Number of first-time enrolled students who pre-registered as their first choice divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
80,0 |
10,0 |
30,0 |
40,0 |
40,0 |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new enrollment students through pre-registration divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
90,0 |
110,0 |
80,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by the USC from mobility programmes over the total number of enrolled students. Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2022-2023 |
IN22 Percentage of graduates who completed external work placements. Percentage ratio between the graduates of a degree in an academic year who, during their studies, completed internships in companies and institutions, and the total number of graduates in that degree in the same academic year. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
Drop-out |
IN40 Drop-out rate during the first year. Percentage ratio between the students of an entry cohort enrolled in the degree in academic year X, who did not enroll in academic years X+1 and X+2, and the total number of students in that entry cohort who entered in academic year X. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
75,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Assessment |
IN36 Assessment rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits students presented themselves for and the total number of ordinary credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
86,11 |
77,05 |
94,68 |
81,34 |
83,71 |
Average duration of studies |
IN38 Average duration of studies. Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6,0 |
Efficiency of graduates |
IN53 Efficiency rate (graduates' performance). Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
100,0 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group. Ratio between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
28,1085 |
26,9227 |
24,8757 |
24,8869 |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in subjects (FB and OB) per theory (lecture) group. Ratio between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic training subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
80,4507 |
88,8804 |
87,5865 |
84,5728 |
Success |
IN35 Success rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
87,63 |
75,42 |
93,44 |
70,74 |
82,35 |
IN50 Success rate of graduates. Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
100,0 |
Graduation |
IN51 Graduation suitability rate. Percentage ratio between the students who completed their studies within the time planned in the curriculum or earlier and their entry cohort. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12,5 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
75,46 |
58,11 |
88,47 |
57,54 |
68,94 |
Satisfaction |
IN19 Student satisfaction with external work placement programmes. Average rating of the satisfaction survey for students with external internships. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,7778 |
IN46 Student satisfaction with the teaching received. Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
4,35 |
- |
3,09 |
3,46 |
IN47 Satisfaction of the teaching staff with the teaching given. Average rating of the faculty satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
4,1084 |
- |
4,2184 |
4,2267 |
IN48 Response rate in the survey on student satisfaction with the teaching received. Percentage of responses in the student satisfaction survey. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
50,0 |
- |
11,7647 |
11,7647 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
IN24 Percentage of teaching and research staff with six-year terms over the total teaching and research staff in the degree. Percentage ratio between the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) with research periods (sexenios) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree who may have research periods. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
93,33 |
94,63 |
93,84 |
89,47 |
94,31 |
IN25 Percentage of PhD teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
93,92 |
91,67 |
90,53 |
91,19 |
88,68 |
IN26 Percentage of civil servant teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the tenured PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
74,03 |
72,02 |
69,23 |
66,67 |
67,3 |
6 academic years
RUCT code: 7000777
Seats number: 10
Dean or center director:
Mª de los Reyes Laguna Francia
Use languages:
Spanish, Galician
MECES Level: 2
Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela
Professional qualification:
This qualification enables the exercise of the regulated professions of Pharmacist and Optical-Optometrist.
Los grados de Farmacia y Óptica y Optometría cuentan con la suficiente interrelación para conseguir hacer viable el itinerario de una doble titulación. Las competencias que adquieren en conjunto los estudiantes les permitirán contar con un perfil profesional más versátil ampliando los ámbitos en los que pueden desarrollarse.
Geometric Optics
- G2041108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
The Fundamentals of Optometry
- G2041110
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Mathematics and Statistics I
- G2081101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
General Chemistry
- G2081102
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Anatomy, histology and cytology
- G2081103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Applied Physics and Physics-Chemistry I
- G2081104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Mathematics and Statistics II
- G2081105
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081106
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Legislation and Deontology
- G2081121
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Analytical Techniques
- G2081122
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Inorganic Chemistry
- G2081123
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Organic Chemistry I
- G2081124
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical-Chemistry II
- G2081125
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical Optics
- G2041223
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Ocular Diseases I
- G2041231
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Human Physiology I
- G2081201
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Biochemistry I
- G2081202
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Physiology II
- G2081203
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Biochemistry II
- G2081204
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Plant Physiology
- G2081205
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Organic Chemistry II
- G2081221
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology I
- G2081222
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081223
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology II
- G2081224
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081225
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Public Health I
- G2081226
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics I
- G2041224
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optical Instrumentation
- G2041226
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics II
- G2041227
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081321
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
- G2081322
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology I
- G2081323
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Public Health II
- G2081324
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Nutrition and Bromatology I
- G2081325
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II
- G2081326
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Nutrition and Bromatology II
- G2081327
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Hematology and immunology analysis
- G2081328
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Instrumental Techniques
- G2081329
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology II
- G2081330
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics 1
- G2041225
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics II
- G2041229
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Contactology I
- G2041230
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology I
- G2081421
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Biological analysis and biochemical diagnosis
- G2081422
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081423
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology III
- G2081424
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081425
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology and parasitology analysis
- G2081426
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics I
- G2081427
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology II
- G2081428
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacotherapy for Pharmaceutical Care
- G2081429
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Visual Optics and Perception
- G2041228
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics III
- G2041321
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics III
- G2041322
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Contactology II
- G2041323
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Ocular Diseases II
- G2041324
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometric Clinic I
- G2041325
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Anomalies of Binocular Vision and Vision Rehabilitation
- G2041326
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometric Clinic II
- G2041327
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Low Vision
- G2041328
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics IV
- G2041331
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology III
- G2081521
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Management Planning
- G2081522
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics II
- G2081523
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometric Clinic III
- G2041422
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Contactology III
- G2041423
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Monitoring internship
- G2041424
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 15 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation
- G2041425
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 9 Credits
Monitoring internship
- G2081524
- Compulsory Credits
- Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
- 24 Credits
Undergraduate dissertation
- G2081525
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 6 Credits
Mathematics and Statistics I
- G2081101
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
General Chemistry
- G2081102
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Anatomy, histology and cytology
- G2081103
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Applied Physics and Physics-Chemistry I
- G2081104
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Mathematics and Statistics II
- G2081105
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081106
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Human Physiology I
- G2081201
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Biochemistry I
- G2081202
- Basic Training
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Human Physiology II
- G2081203
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Biochemistry II
- G2081204
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Plant Physiology
- G2081205
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Geometric Optics
- G2041108
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
The Fundamentals of Optometry
- G2041110
- Basic Training
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Legislation and Deontology
- G2081121
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Analytical Techniques
- G2081122
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Inorganic Chemistry
- G2081123
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Organic Chemistry I
- G2081124
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical-Chemistry II
- G2081125
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Organic Chemistry II
- G2081221
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology I
- G2081222
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081223
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology II
- G2081224
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081225
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Public Health I
- G2081226
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
- G2081321
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Chemistry I
- G2081322
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology I
- G2081323
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Public Health II
- G2081324
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Nutrition and Bromatology I
- G2081325
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Chemistry II
- G2081326
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Nutrition and Bromatology II
- G2081327
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Hematology and immunology analysis
- G2081328
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Instrumental Techniques
- G2081329
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology II
- G2081330
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology I
- G2081421
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Biological analysis and biochemical diagnosis
- G2081422
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081423
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacology III
- G2081424
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
- G2081425
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Microbiology and parasitology analysis
- G2081426
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics I
- G2081427
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology II
- G2081428
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Pharmacotherapy for Pharmaceutical Care
- G2081429
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Pharmaceutical Technology III
- G2081521
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Management Planning
- G2081522
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Biopharmacy and Pharmacokinetics II
- G2081523
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Physical Optics
- G2041223
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometrics I
- G2041224
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics 1
- G2041225
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optical Instrumentation
- G2041226
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics II
- G2041227
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Visual Optics and Perception
- G2041228
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics II
- G2041229
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Contactology I
- G2041230
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Ocular Diseases I
- G2041231
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Ophthalmic Optics III
- G2041321
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics III
- G2041322
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Contactology II
- G2041323
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Ocular Diseases II
- G2041324
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometric Clinic I
- G2041325
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Anomalies of Binocular Vision and Vision Rehabilitation
- G2041326
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometric Clinic II
- G2041327
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Low Vision
- G2041328
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 4,5 Credits
Optometrics IV
- G2041331
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 6 Credits
Optometric Clinic III
- G2041422
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Contactology III
- G2041423
- Compulsory Credits
- First Semester
- 6 Credits
Monitoring internship
- G2081524
- Compulsory Credits
- Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
- 24 Credits
Undergraduate dissertation
- G2081525
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 6 Credits
Monitoring internship
- G2041424
- Compulsory Credits
- Second Semester
- 15 Credits
Undergraduate Dissertation
- G2041425
- Compulsory Credits
- End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
- 9 Credits
Non se contemplan
1.- El alumnado de primer curso por primera vez a tiempo completo tienen que matricular 60 créditos. Un 15% del alumnado podrá cursar estudios a tiempo parcial (30 créditos).
2.- Continuación de estudios: libre con un máximo de 75 créditos
The University of Santiago de Compostela has a university participation and integration service (SEPIU) (http://www.usc.es/gl/servizos/sepiu) which works on the integration of people with discapacities and provides support for the development of curricular adaptations, as well as a protocol for their integration in the university community.
The USC has designed a reception plan in every center based on several points:
a) A special informative session given by the dean's team on the first day of the academic year, in which details about the functioning of the Faculty and general orientations about the study plan are explained.
b) This session concludes with the assignment to each group of ten students a student-tutor that stays with them during the whole afternoon and keeps them up to date with the academic and university life. The tutoring begins the first day of the academic year and goes on for the whole academic year.
The participation of the administration and services personnel in the student support and orientation system should also be mentioned.
The USC has a student-tutor program for the undergraduate degrees, so that final year students, after receiving training from the University, can perform orientational tasks to students initiating their studies.
Information about student-tutor program:
When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.
If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to students with the following degrees/ diplomas or studies, or any other recognized as equivalent to these:
A.1. Spanish Bachiller, European Baccalaureate or International Baccalaureate.
A.2. Baccalaureate from European Union Member States’ education systems or other countries withinternational agreements.
A.3. Advanced Technician in Vocational Training, Advanced Technician in Plastic Arts and Design orAdvanced Technician in Sports Education, from the Spanish Education System.
A.4.Studies carried out in European Union Member States or in other countries with international reciprocal agreements which meet the academic requirements in those States to access their university study programmes.
A.5. Official Spanish university degrees of Diplomado, Arquitecto Técnico, Ingeniero Técnico, Licenciado, Arquitecto, Ingeniero, Graduado or Máster Universitario.
A.6. Partial (foreign or Spanish) university studies.
Access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is also possible for:
B.1. People over twenty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
B.2. People over forty with work or professional experience related to a university field of knowledge.
B.3. People over forty-five after successfully passing a specific access test.
Likewise, access to Bachelor’s Degree programmes is granted to:
C.1. People meeting the requirements to enter university according to the Spanish Education System regulations prior to Ley Orgánica 8/2013, of December 9.
The double degree in Pharmacy and Optics and Optometry aims at training experts both in all the aspects related to pharmaceutical products and medicines and to train professionals highly qualified for the primary eye care, in accordance with the European Directives concerning the qualifications of both pharmacy and opticians and optometrists.
- Students must demonstrate possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study draw from the premise of a general secondary education. It is usually found in a level that —although it can be supported by advanced text books— also includes some aspects that imply knowledge arising from the forefront of their area of study.
- Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences which are usually demonstrated by means of the elaboration and defence of arguments and problem solving within their area of study
- Students must have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data —normally within their area of study— in order to make judgements that include a reflection on relevant themes of social, scientific or ethic nature.
- Students must be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a public, both specialized and non-specialized.
- Students must develop those abilities of learning necessary to start higher studies with a high degree of autonomy
See the information of each degree
See the information of each degree
See the information of each degree
Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):
The requisites that students must fulfill in order to take the subject Tutored Pharmacy Internships are to have completed at least 243 credits, of which at least 237 credits are compulsory
The tutored internships of Optics, with a load of 15 ECTS, have as their aim to provide the student with the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge. It is intended that the future optician-optometrist is integrated into the professional field, preparing them to perform activities to which they will devote themselves in their future professional practice.
The requisites that students must fulfill in order to take the subject Tutored Optics and Optometry is to have completed the first three academic years of the degree, and the obligatory subjects of the 4th year.
Students must complete a final dissertation of 6 credits corresponding to the Degree in Pharmacy and another of 9 credits corresponding to the Degree in Optics and Optometry.
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
Offer |
IN01 Places offered. Number of Places Offered for Each Academic Year Scale info: Whole Number |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrolment. Number of Students Enrolled in an Academic Year Excluding Incoming Mobility Program Students Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
14,0 |
9,0 |
17,0 |
17,0 |
IN03 New enrolments. Number of Students Enrolling in a Study Program for the First Time, Including Those Transferring Their Academic Records, Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, or Transitioning from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
11,0 |
4,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
IN04 Enrolment for start of studies. Number of Students Enrolling in the First Year of a Study Program for the First Time, Excluding Those Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, Transfers, or Transitions from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
11,0 |
4,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
IN05 Variation of enrolment at the start of studies. Relative Variation Rate of New Enrollment through Pre-registration Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
- |
22,22 |
-63,64 |
-9,09 |
- |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average pre-enrolment access score. Average Admission Grade through Pre-registration for Students Beginning Studies, Determining the Entry Profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimals. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values were 10.00 points, 12.00 points, or 14.00 points). |
12,2951 |
10,8536 |
10,7568 |
11,5504 |
12,4681 |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students. Percentage of foreign students among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
5,88 |
5,88 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over enrolled students. Percentage of national students from outside Galicia among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
7,14 |
33,33 |
11,76 |
29,41 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN10 Ratio of students pre-enrolled in 1st option over the places offered. Number of first-time enrolled students who pre-registered as their first choice divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
80,0 |
10,0 |
30,0 |
40,0 |
40,0 |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new enrollment students through pre-registration divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
90,0 |
110,0 |
80,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by the USC from mobility programmes over the total number of enrolled students. Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2022-2023 |
IN22 Percentage of graduates who completed external work placements. Percentage ratio between the graduates of a degree in an academic year who, during their studies, completed internships in companies and institutions, and the total number of graduates in that degree in the same academic year. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
Drop-out |
IN40 Drop-out rate during the first year. Percentage ratio between the students of an entry cohort enrolled in the degree in academic year X, who did not enroll in academic years X+1 and X+2, and the total number of students in that entry cohort who entered in academic year X. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
75,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Assessment |
IN36 Assessment rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits students presented themselves for and the total number of ordinary credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
86,11 |
77,05 |
94,68 |
81,34 |
83,71 |
Average duration of studies |
IN38 Average duration of studies. Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6,0 |
Efficiency of graduates |
IN53 Efficiency rate (graduates' performance). Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
100,0 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group. Ratio between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
28,1085 |
26,9227 |
24,8757 |
24,8869 |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in subjects (FB and OB) per theory (lecture) group. Ratio between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic training subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
80,4507 |
88,8804 |
87,5865 |
84,5728 |
Success |
IN35 Success rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
87,63 |
75,42 |
93,44 |
70,74 |
82,35 |
IN50 Success rate of graduates. Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
100,0 |
Graduation |
IN51 Graduation suitability rate. Percentage ratio between the students who completed their studies within the time planned in the curriculum or earlier and their entry cohort. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12,5 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
75,46 |
58,11 |
88,47 |
57,54 |
68,94 |
Satisfaction |
IN19 Student satisfaction with external work placement programmes. Average rating of the satisfaction survey for students with external internships. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,7778 |
IN46 Student satisfaction with the teaching received. Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
4,35 |
- |
3,09 |
3,46 |
IN47 Satisfaction of the teaching staff with the teaching given. Average rating of the faculty satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
4,1084 |
- |
4,2184 |
4,2267 |
IN48 Response rate in the survey on student satisfaction with the teaching received. Percentage of responses in the student satisfaction survey. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
50,0 |
- |
11,7647 |
11,7647 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
IN24 Percentage of teaching and research staff with six-year terms over the total teaching and research staff in the degree. Percentage ratio between the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) with research periods (sexenios) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree who may have research periods. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
93,33 |
94,63 |
93,84 |
89,47 |
94,31 |
IN25 Percentage of PhD teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
93,92 |
91,67 |
90,53 |
91,19 |
88,68 |
IN26 Percentage of civil servant teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the tenured PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
74,03 |
72,02 |
69,23 |
66,67 |
67,3 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
Offer |
IN01 Places offered. Number of Places Offered for Each Academic Year Scale info: Whole Number |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
Enrolment |
IN02 Enrolment. Number of Students Enrolled in an Academic Year Excluding Incoming Mobility Program Students Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
14,0 |
9,0 |
17,0 |
17,0 |
IN03 New enrolments. Number of Students Enrolling in a Study Program for the First Time, Including Those Transferring Their Academic Records, Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, or Transitioning from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
11,0 |
4,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
IN04 Enrolment for start of studies. Number of Students Enrolling in the First Year of a Study Program for the First Time, Excluding Those Accessing Through Partial Recognition of Foreign Studies, Transfers, or Transitions from Phasing-Out Programs Scale info: Whole Number |
9,0 |
11,0 |
4,0 |
10,0 |
10,0 |
IN05 Variation of enrolment at the start of studies. Relative Variation Rate of New Enrollment through Pre-registration Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
- |
22,22 |
-63,64 |
-9,09 |
- |
Admittance profile |
IN06 Average pre-enrolment access score. Average Admission Grade through Pre-registration for Students Beginning Studies, Determining the Entry Profile. Scale info: Rational number with two decimals. The range goes from 0 to the maximum value that can be obtained in each academic year for pre-registration (some historical values were 10.00 points, 12.00 points, or 14.00 points). |
12,2951 |
10,8536 |
10,7568 |
11,5504 |
12,4681 |
IN08 Percentage of foreign students over enrolled students. Percentage of foreign students among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
5,88 |
5,88 |
IN09 Percentage of national students from outside Galicia over enrolled students. Percentage of national students from outside Galicia among enrolled students, excluding those enrolled in incoming mobility programs. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
0,0 |
7,14 |
33,33 |
11,76 |
29,41 |
Adaptation to demand |
IN10 Ratio of students pre-enrolled in 1st option over the places offered. Number of first-time enrolled students who pre-registered as their first choice divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
80,0 |
10,0 |
30,0 |
40,0 |
40,0 |
IN12 Occupancy rate Number of new enrollment students through pre-registration divided by the number of available seats. Scale info: Percentage with Two Decimal Places |
90,0 |
110,0 |
80,0 |
100,0 |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
External mobility |
IN18 Percentage of students received by the USC from mobility programmes over the total number of enrolled students. Number of students received at USC in that degree from other universities (mobility programs) divided by the number of students enrolled in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Indicator |
2022-2023 |
IN22 Percentage of graduates who completed external work placements. Percentage ratio between the graduates of a degree in an academic year who, during their studies, completed internships in companies and institutions, and the total number of graduates in that degree in the same academic year. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
100,0 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
Drop-out |
IN40 Drop-out rate during the first year. Percentage ratio between the students of an entry cohort enrolled in the degree in academic year X, who did not enroll in academic years X+1 and X+2, and the total number of students in that entry cohort who entered in academic year X. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
75,0 |
0,0 |
0,0 |
Assessment |
IN36 Assessment rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits students presented themselves for and the total number of ordinary credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
86,11 |
77,05 |
94,68 |
81,34 |
83,71 |
Average duration of studies |
IN38 Average duration of studies. Average duration (in years) in which students take to complete the credits corresponding to the curriculum. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6,0 |
Efficiency of graduates |
IN53 Efficiency rate (graduates' performance). Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they enrolled in. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
100,0 |
Students per group |
IN32 Average number of students per interactive teaching group. Ratio between the number of enrolled students and the number of interactive teaching groups. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
28,1085 |
26,9227 |
24,8757 |
24,8869 |
IN55 Average number of students enrolled in subjects (FB and OB) per theory (lecture) group. Ratio between the number of students enrolled in compulsory basic training subjects and the number of theory groups for those subjects. Scale info: Rational number with two decimal places. |
- |
80,4507 |
88,8804 |
87,5865 |
84,5728 |
Success |
IN35 Success rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
87,63 |
75,42 |
93,44 |
70,74 |
82,35 |
IN50 Success rate of graduates. Percentage ratio between the total number of credits a student passed throughout the degree they graduated from and the total number of credits they presented themselves for. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
100,0 |
Graduation |
IN51 Graduation suitability rate. Percentage ratio between the students who completed their studies within the time planned in the curriculum or earlier and their entry cohort. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
12,5 |
Performance |
IN34 Performance rate. Percentage ratio between the total number of ordinary credits passed by students and the total number of ordinary credits in which they enrolled. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
75,46 |
58,11 |
88,47 |
57,54 |
68,94 |
Satisfaction |
IN19 Student satisfaction with external work placement programmes. Average rating of the satisfaction survey for students with external internships. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3,7778 |
IN46 Student satisfaction with the teaching received. Average rating of the student satisfaction survey with the teaching received. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
4,35 |
- |
3,09 |
3,46 |
IN47 Satisfaction of the teaching staff with the teaching given. Average rating of the faculty satisfaction survey with the teaching provided. Scale info: Minimum 0.00, maximum 5.00. |
- |
4,1084 |
- |
4,2184 |
4,2267 |
IN48 Response rate in the survey on student satisfaction with the teaching received. Percentage of responses in the student satisfaction survey. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
- |
50,0 |
- |
11,7647 |
11,7647 |
Indicator |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2021-2022 |
2022-2023 |
IN24 Percentage of teaching and research staff with six-year terms over the total teaching and research staff in the degree. Percentage ratio between the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) with research periods (sexenios) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree who may have research periods. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
93,33 |
94,63 |
93,84 |
89,47 |
94,31 |
IN25 Percentage of PhD teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the doctoral PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
93,92 |
91,67 |
90,53 |
91,19 |
88,68 |
IN26 Percentage of civil servant teaching and research staff over total teaching and research staff. Percentage ratio between the tenured PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) and the total PDI with teaching in the degree. Scale info: Percentage with two decimal places. |
74,03 |
72,02 |
69,23 |
66,67 |
67,3 |