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Nursing Degree (3ªed)

  • New offer
Branch of knowledge
Health Sciences
Ambit of knowledge
Facultade de Enfermaría
Avda. Xoan XXIII, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881812033 (Conserxaría)
881812035 (Decanato)
enfermaria.decanato [at]
Santiago de Compostela
estudantes de enfermeria

The Degree in Nursing aims to train professionals capable of providing adequate technical and professional health care, according to the current state of development of scientific knowledge, who can comprehend the interactive behaviour of the person according to their gender, community, within their social context, understanding the theoretical and methodological principles of nursing.

Duration: 4 academic years
RUCT code: 2504480
Seats number: 150

Dean or center director:
raquel.rodriguez [at]

Title coordinator:
Raquel Rodriguez Gonzalez
raquel.rodriguez [at]

Use languages:
Spanish, Galician

MECES Level: 2

Coordinator university:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela

Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:
Orde do 27/07/2022 (DOG do 10/08/2022)

BOE publication date:
BOE do 5/04/2023

Last accreditation date:

Professional qualification:
This qualification entitles the holder to practise the regulated profession of Nursing in Spain.

Human Anatomy

  • G2022101
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Human Biology

  • G2022102
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits


  • G2022103
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Human Physiology I

  • G2022104
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Applied Psychosocial Sciences

  • G2022105
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G2022106
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Research methodology

  • G2022107
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Digital competencies in Nursing

  • G2022108
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Human Physiology II

  • G2022109
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits


  • G2022110
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Historical and theoretical basis of Nursing

  • G2022121
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Nursing care methodology

  • G2022122
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Basic Nursing procedures

  • G2022123
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Health, gender and social challenges in Nursing

  • G2022201
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits


  • G2022202
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Clinical nutrition

  • G2022203
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits


  • G2022221
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Clinical Training I

  • G2022222
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Clinical Nursing I

  • G2022223
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Clinical Training II

  • G2022224
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Public Health

  • G2022225
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Clinical Nursing II

  • G2022226
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Mental Health Nursing

  • G2022227
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Palliative Care Nursing

  • G2022228
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Family and Community Nursing

  • G2022229
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Clinical anatomy

  • G2022241
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Occupational health Nursing

  • G2022242
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Basic Radiology

  • G2022243
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Human Histology

  • G2022244
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Ethical and legal aspects of the nursing profession

  • G2022321
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Nursing care in psychiatric attention

  • G2022322
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Clinical Nursing III

  • G2022323
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Clinical Training III

  • G2022324
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 9 Credits

Clinical Nursing IV

  • G2022325
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Geriatric Nursing

  • G2022326
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing

  • G2022327
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Health management

  • G2022328
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Clinical Training IV

  • G2022329
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 9 Credits

Nursing in critical care and emergencies

  • G2022330
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Pediatric Nursing

  • G2022331
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Research training

  • G2022341
  • Elective Credits
  • Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
  • 3 Credits

Occupational health Nursing

  • G2022342
  • Elective Credits
  • 3 Credits

Basic Radiology

  • G2022343
  • Elective Credits
  • 3 Credits

Human Anatomy

  • G2022101
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Human Biology

  • G2022102
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits


  • G2022103
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Human Physiology I

  • G2022104
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Applied Psychosocial Sciences

  • G2022105
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits


  • G2022106
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Research methodology

  • G2022107
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Digital competencies in Nursing

  • G2022108
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Human Physiology II

  • G2022109
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits


  • G2022110
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Health, gender and social challenges in Nursing

  • G2022201
  • Basic Training
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits


  • G2022202
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Clinical nutrition

  • G2022203
  • Basic Training
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Historical and theoretical basis of Nursing

  • G2022121
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Nursing care methodology

  • G2022122
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Basic Nursing procedures

  • G2022123
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits


  • G2022221
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Clinical Nursing I

  • G2022223
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Public Health

  • G2022225
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Clinical Nursing II

  • G2022226
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Mental Health Nursing

  • G2022227
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Palliative Care Nursing

  • G2022228
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Family and Community Nursing

  • G2022229
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Ethical and legal aspects of the nursing profession

  • G2022321
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Nursing care in psychiatric attention

  • G2022322
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Clinical Nursing III

  • G2022323
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Clinical Nursing IV

  • G2022325
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Geriatric Nursing

  • G2022326
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing

  • G2022327
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Health management

  • G2022328
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Nursing in critical care and emergencies

  • G2022330
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Pediatric Nursing

  • G2022331
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 4,5 Credits

Clinical anatomy

  • G2022241
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Occupational health Nursing

  • G2022242
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Basic Radiology

  • G2022243
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Human Histology

  • G2022244
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Research training

  • G2022341
  • Elective Credits
  • Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
  • 3 Credits

Occupational health Nursing

  • G2022342
  • Elective Credits
  • 3 Credits

Basic Radiology

  • G2022343
  • Elective Credits
  • 3 Credits

No se contemplan

New students entering the Nursing degree program must have a basic training in Sciences and Health Sciences. Likewise, they must show interest and motivation for the care of people and disposition for observation, analysis and continuous training. It is considered that the future student in Nursing should have skills that favor communication, critical reasoning, teamwork and ethical commitment to the profession and resource management. They will be able to adapt to new situations, behave according to the rules and show an active attitude towards learning and teamwork.

New students entering the Nursing degree program must have a basic training in Sciences and Health Sciences. Likewise, they must show interest and motivation for the care of people and disposition for observation, analysis and continuous training. It is considered that the future student in Nursing should have skills that favor communication, critical reasoning, teamwork and ethical commitment to the profession and resource management. They will be able to adapt to new situations, behave according to the rules and show an active attitude towards learning and teamwork.

The University of Santiago has a university participation and integration service (SEPIU) (http://www.usc. es/gl/servizos/sepiu) that works on the integration of people with disabilities and provides support for the development of curricular adaptations, as well as a protocol for integration into the university community, The aim of these events is to introduce new students to the possibilities, resources and services offered by the University to the new students.

The University School of Nursing of Lugo (affiliated center) has a Welcome Document for new students, this document and the rules of the School is delivered to them on the first day of class. Nursing students are received by the School's management team to provide them with information related to nursing studies.

The USC has a student-tutor program for the undergraduate degrees, so that final year students, after receiving training from the University, can perform orientational tasks to students initiating their studies.

Information about student-tutor program:

Programa alumnos titores

When a degree suspension occurs, the USC guarantees the adequate development of teachings that were initiated by their students until its suspension. For that, the Government Council approves the criteria related with the admission of new degree entry registration and the gradual suspension of teaching impartation, among others.

If the suspended degree is substituted for a similar one —modifying the nature of the degree—, the new degree regulations will set the conditions to facilitate students the continuity of the new degree’s studies. These regulations will also set subject equivalences in both programs.

Generals for undergraduate degrees.

Special access conditions or tests are not contemplated

The School of Nursing has 8 general purpose classrooms of different capacities, two computer rooms and two rooms for practical teaching with around 30 seats.
There are also areas designated for students, such as a reading room with more than 20 seats.
The library service of the Lugo Campus is centralized in one building called “Biblioteca Intercentros”. The library has over 1600 reading stations distributed in 9 rooms, including a room for group work.
We can also highlight that wireless Internet connection is available everywhere in the Faculty.

To train professionals able to provide technical and professional health care in ideal way, according to the state of scientific knowledge at the time, with knowledge of the theoretical and methodological principles of nursing.

- Students must demonstrate possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study draw from the premise of a general secondary education. It is usually found in a level that —although it can be supported by advanced text books— also includes some aspects that imply knowledge arising from the forefront of their area of study.

- Students must be able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and possess the competences which are usually demonstrated by means of the elaboration and defence of arguments and problem solving within their area of study

- Students must have the ability to collect and interpret relevant data —normally within their area of study— in order to make judgements that include a reflection on relevant themes of social, scientific or ethic nature.

- Students must be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to a public, both specialized and non-specialized.

- Students must develop those abilities of learning necessary to start higher studies with a high degree of autonomy

- To be able, in the field of nursing, to provide technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people they serve, in accordance with the state of development of scientific knowledge at any given time and with the levels of quality and safety established in the applicable legal and deontological standards.
- To plan and provide nursing care to individuals, families or groups, oriented to health outcomes, evaluating its impact, through clinical and care practice guidelines, which describe the processes by which a health problem is diagnosed, treated or cared for.
- To know and apply the fundamentals and theoretical and methodological principles of nursing.
- To understand the interactive behaviors of the person depending on their gender, group or community with the social and multicultural context.
- To design care systems directed to people, families or groups, evaluating its impact and establishing the relevant modifications.
- To base interventions of nursing on scientific evidence and the available means.
- To understand without prejudices, taking physical, psychological and social aspects into account, as autonomous and independent individuals, assuring respect towards their opinions, beliefs and values, granting the right to intimacy, through confidentiality and professional secrecy.
- To promote and respect the right to participation, information, autonomy and informed consent in the makinf¡g of decisions of the assisted people, according to the way they experience their process of health-illness.
- To promote healthy lifestyles, self-care, supporting the maintenance of preventive and therapeutic behaviors.
- To protect the health and wellbeing of the assisted people, families or groups, granting their safety.
- To establish efficient communication with patients, families or social groups and with colleagues, and to promote health education.
- To know the ethical and deontological code of Spanish nursing, understanding the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
- To know the principles of sanitary and socio-sanitary funding and use the available resources adequately.
- To establish evaluation mechanisms, taking the scientific.technical and quality aspects into account.
- To work with the team of professionals as the basic unit in which the professionals and other personnel of the healthcare organizations are structured in a uni or multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary manner.
- To know the sanitary information systems.
- To perform nursing care based on integrated health care, which involves multi professional cooperation, integration of processes and continuity of care.
- To know the strategies to adopt comfortability and symptom care measures, directed to patients and families, in the application of palliative cares that contribute to to alleviate the situation of advanced and terminally ill patients.
- Ability to adequately use a range of skills, interventions and activities to promote optimal care. It involves performing assessments, procedures and techniques with full knowledge of the cause, excellent skill and ability and with maximum safety for the person receiving it and for oneself. All nursing interventions related to health promotion, health education, etc., would also be included in this section.

- To know and identify the structure and function of the human body. To understand the molecular and physiological bases of cells and tissues.
- To know the use and indication of medical devices related to nursing care.
- Know the different groups of drugs, the principles of their authorization, use and indication, and their mechanisms of action.
- Use of medications, evaluating the expected benefits and associated risks and/or effects derived from their administration and consumption.
- Know and assess the nutritional needs of healthy people and people with health problems throughout the life cycle, to promote and reinforce healthy eating behavior patterns. Identify nutrients and the foods in which they are found. Identify the most prevalent nutritional problems and select the appropriate dietary recommendations.
- Apply health care information and communication technologies and systems.
- Know the pathophysiological processes and their manifestations and the risk factors that determine the states of health and disease in the different stages of the life cycle.
- Identify the psychosocial responses of people in different health situations (in particular, illness and suffering), selecting the appropriate actions to provide help in these situations. Establish an empathic and respectful relationship with the patient and family, according to the person's situation, health problem and stage of development. Use strategies and skills that allow effective communication with patients, families and social groups, as well as the expression of their concerns and interests.
- Know and identify the psychological and physical problems derived from gender violence in order to train the student in prevention, early detection, assistance, and rehabilitation of the victims of this form of violence.
- Identify, integrate and relate the concept of health and care, from a historical perspective, to understand the evolution of nursing care.
- Understand from an ontological and epistemological perspective, the evolution of the central concepts that make up the nursing discipline, as well as the most relevant theoretical models, applying the scientific methodology in the process of caring and developing the corresponding care plans.
- Apply the nursing process to provide and guarantee the wellbeing, quality and safety of the people cared for.
- Know and apply the principles that support integral nursing care.
- Direct, evaluate and provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, family and community.
- Ability to describe the fundamentals of the primary health level and the activities to be developed to provide comprehensive nursing care to the individual, the family and the community. Understand the role and activities and cooperative attitude that the professional has to develop in a Primary Health Care team. Promote the participation of individuals, families and groups in their health-illness process. Identify the factors related to health and environmental problems, to care for people in situations of health and disease as members of a community. Identify and analyze the influence of internal and external factors on the level of health of individuals and groups. Apply the necessary methods and procedures in their field to identify the most relevant health problems in a community. Analyze statistical data referred to population studies, identifying the possible causes of health problems. Educate, facilitate and support the health and well-being of community members whose lives are affected by health problems, risk, suffering, illness, disability or death.
- To know the health alterations of the adult, identifying the manifestations that appear in their different phases. Identify the care needs derived from health problems. Analyze the data collected in the assessment, prioritize the problems of the adult patient, establish and implement the care plan and perform its evaluation. Perform nursing care techniques and procedures, establishing a therapeutic relationship with patients and family members. Select interventions aimed at treating or preventing problems derived from health deviations. Have a cooperative attitude with the different members of the team.
- Identify the characteristics of women in the different stages of the reproductive cycle and in the climacteric and in the alterations that may occur, providing the necessary care at each stage. Apply general care during the maternity process to facilitate the adaptation of women and newborns to new demands and prevent complications.
- To know the specific aspects of neonatal care. To identify the characteristics of the different stages of childhood and adolescence and the factors that condition the normal pattern of growth and development. To know the most frequent health problems in childhood and identify their manifestations. Analyze the assessment data of the child, identifying the nursing problems and complications that may occur. Apply the techniques that integrate nursing care, establishing a therapeutic relationship with children and their caregivers. Select interventions directed to the healthy and sick child, as well as those derived from diagnostic and treatment methods. Be able to provide health education to parents or primary caregivers.
- Understand the changes associated with the aging process and their impact on health. Identify the structural, functional, psychological and lifestyle changes associated with the aging process.
- To know the most frequent health problems in the elderly. To select caregiving interventions aimed at treating or preventing health problems and their adaptation to daily life through proximity resources and support for the elderly person.

- Ability to apply knowledge to practice.
- Ability to work in teams.
- Motivation.
- Ethical commitment
- Ability to solve problems
- Basic knowledge of the profession.
- Analysis and synthesis capacity
- Concern for quality.
- Decision-making capacity.
- Ability to adapt to new situations
- Interpersonal skills.
- Planification and management of time
- Ability to work in an autonomous way.
- information-management skills (ability to search and analyze information from different sources).
- Appreciation of diversity and multiculturalism.
- Research skills
- Basic computer skills.


Student mobility is regulated through the “Regulation of inter-university exchange.” Exchange programs are managed through the International Relations Office, such as national exchange programs (SICUE) as well as Europeans (ERASMUS) and from outside the European Union (exchanges with Latin American countries or English-speaking countries):

Portal Internacional

Its planning and management is carried out through the Vice-Rector's Office for Institutional Relations and the University's External Relations Office, in coordination with the School through the "Support Unit for the Management of Centers and Departments" (UAGCD) and the assistant director in charge of exchange programs.


A total of 84 credits are programmed as mandatory, distributed in the subjects Tutored Practices I, II, III, IV, V and VI, according to planning criteria and mechanisms to guarantee quality and the most appropriate use by the students.

Undergraduate students must complete and present a paper demonstrating the competencies acquired during the four years of study. It will be offered in the last four-month period of the study plan.

María Del Carmen Agra Tuñas
Pablo Aguiar Fernández
Jose Ameijeiras Alonso
Victor Manuel Arce Vazquez
Juan Enrique Arias Rodriguez
Sabela Balboa Mendez
Ana Belen Cao Calvo
Aida Carballo Fazanes
Bernarda Cebeiro Mallo
Pedro Celard Perez
Maria Alicia Costa Besada
Jose Cruces Vazquez
Ainara Diaz Geada
Maria Del Carmen Diaz Ruiz
Maria De Los Angeles Dominguez Rios
Sonia Falcon Garcia
Pedro Faraldo Roca
Juan Manuel Fernandez Varela
Alba Ferreiros Lopez
Manuel Gandoy Crego
Angel Garcia Alonso
Nuria Garcia Couceiro
Ana Maria Garcia Cutrin
Maria Del Carmen Garcia Garcia
Maria Garcia Martinez
Lara Garcia Varela
Tomas M. M. Garcia-Caballero Parada
Jesús María González Jartín
Soraya Groba De Antas
Cristina Iglesias Liñares
Jose Antonio Iglesias Vázquez
Víctor Iglesias Vigo
Cristina Jorge Soto
Raquel Lama Lopez
Maria Victoria Lareu Huidobro
Andrea Lopez Lopez
Beatriz Magariños Ferro
Miriam Maria Martin De La Cruz
Santiago Martinez Isasi
Lorena Martínez Martínez
Carmela Martinez Vispo
Julio Manuel Maside Rodriguez
Enrique Ramon Meaños Melon
Marisol Midon Lopez
Adolfo Alejandro Monasterio Otero
Agustin Montes Martinez
Rosalia Morlan Vieites
Ana Maria Muñoz Patiño
Juan Jose Nieto Fontarigo
Silvia Novio Mallon
Maria Jesus Nuñez Iglesias
Lucia Ordoñez Mayan
Sandra Pardo Ferro
Juan Andres Parga Martin
Marcos Pazos Couselo
Emilio Ruben Pego Perez
Miguel Angel Pombar Camean
Begoña Porteiro Couto
María Emma Ramos Docampo
Mª Del Carmen Raviña Pereiro
Monserrat Rendo Sanin
Julia Rey Brandariz
David Rey Bretal
Carlos Rodríguez Abad
María Jesús Rodríguez Blanco
Maria Angeles Rodriguez Cobos
Raquel Rodriguez Gonzalez
Antonio Rodriguez Nuñez
Jaime Rodriguez Vidal
Maria Jesus Romero Brion
Alberto Ruano Raviña
Alejandro Ivan Ruiz Riquelme
Maria Sol Saborido Castro
Pedro Jose Saco Lopez
Sofia Sanchez Iglesias
Valentina Serrano Cruz
Maria Jesús Tabernero Duque
El Bahi Takkouche Souilamas
Ana Teijeiro Teijeira
Sara Troitiño Cora
Rita Valenzuela Limiñana
Maria Leonor Varela Lema
Sandra Vidal Martínez
Alba Vieites Prado
Sara Vilas Gey
Maria Begoña Villar Cheda
Matilde Yañez Jato
Maruxa Zapata Cachafeiro
The contents of this page were updated on 07.03.2023.