As Empresas Baseadas en Coñecemento, EBCs, son novas empresas que se crean para poñer no mercado produtos ou servizos que requiran o uso de coñecemento xurdido da actividade investigadora.
Unha EBC da USC debe ter a súa orixe na actividade investigadora da nosa universidade; contar coa participación de profesorado, persoal técnico ou equipos investigadores da USC na súa promoción e creación; contar coa participación da USC no seu capital social e ter un contrato de transferencia de coñecemento con contraprestacións adecuadas para a universidade.
Unha EBC da USC debe ter a súa orixe na actividade investigadora da nosa universidade; contar coa participación de profesorado, persoal técnico ou equipos investigadores da USC na súa promoción e creación; contar coa participación da USC no seu capital social e ter un contrato de transferencia de coñecemento con contraprestacións adecuadas para a universidade.
A USC Knowledge-Based Enterprise (KBE) must:
- Have its origin in the research activity of the USC.
- Have the participation of professors, technical or administrative staff or researchers of the USC in its promotion and creation, with the possible involvement of third parties.
- Have the participation of the USC in its share capital.
- Have a knowledge transfer contract with adequate remuneration for the university, as established in Organic Law 4/2007, which amends Organic Law 6 of 2001, on universities.
- Be approved as such by the USC Governing Council in accordance with current regulations and legislation.
- Identification of business opportunities based on USC research results. This may be carried out by staff from the research group or from the Transfer, Valuation and Entrepreneurship Area.
- Feasibility analysis: preparation of the business plan, including
- Description of the innovation: origin of the knowledge; degree of protection and degree of maturity (TRL); possible applications and problems it solves.
- Business model including identification of products/services, potential markets, income generation, etc.
- Development plan detailing both the technology maturation process and, where appropriate, the production process and business plan.
- Work team defining profiles, responsibilities and development programme.
- Financial needs both for the technical development process and for the production and commercial phase. The participation of the USC as a partner in the company allows teaching and research staff promoters to be granted compatibility to hold more than 10% of the share capital, form part of the management body and be hired to carry out certain activities in the company, according to the procedure and requirements established in additional provision 24 of LOU 4/2007 and article 18.2 of Law 14/2011 on Science.
If at the end of this process of analysis and possible reformulation it is concluded that there is a viable Business Plan, the documentation for the creation of the KBE and its approval by the Governing Council will be drawn up:- Viable Business Plan, including initial capitalisation table and first rounds of investment.
- Statement of Authorship by the researchers generating the knowledge to be transferred.
- Knowledge Transfer Agreement from USC to KBE.
- Partners Agreement
- Presentation of the KBE approval proposal to the Governing Council. The Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area will prepare a report with a proposal for approval of the company, including all the information required by state legislation and USC's own regulations.
- Support for the research team in identifying opportunities for transferring research results.
- Preparation of the company's viability plan.
- Support in the establishment of commercial networks.
- Support in the search for investment.
- Support for the incorporation of qualified personnel (mainly managerial and commercial profiles such as CEO, CCO).
- Management of industrial and intellectual property.
- Preparation of the necessary documentation to process the approval of the KBE by the Governing Council of the USC.
- Support for the collection of grants and subsidies.
- Support for internationalisation.
- Rental of incubation spaces in the Emprendia Building (virtual or physical incubation).
- Advertising of the services offered by the KBE through the USC portal and social networks.
- Commitment to crowdfunding of the KBE through the USC portal.
Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area
- AVTE, Edificio Emprendia.
- Avenida das Ciencias, 6, 15782Santiago de Compostela
- avte [at] usc.es
Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area
- AVTE. Edificio CACTUS Lugo
- Campus Lugo s/n, 27002Lugo
- avte [at] usc.es