This action includes the promotion of attitudes among research staff to take into account the possible commercial application of the results of the research projects in which they participate. It involves raising awareness, from very early stages of research work, on critical issues such as authorship, novelty, and safeguarding protection, without interfering with the function of publication and communication of results.
To facilitate the assessment process and the subsequent development of the transfer process, you are requested to provide a minimum of information that allows a first approximation of:
- Authorship and rights holders.
- Identification of potential markets.
- Most appropriate protection mechanism.
- Patentability of the results.
Given that the transfer process is costly, both in terms of economic resources and in terms of the time dedicated by the Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area’s research and technical staff, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary assessment in order to select those projects to which it is necessary to dedicate resources, either because of their social impact or their economic importance. Thus, in the assessment process, the aim is to obtain information on:
- Potential markets and the functioning of their value chain.
- Degree of development of the technology.
- Costs and time of the development process up to the commercial stage.
- Competing technologies in the purchase or in the development phase.
MOGUVAL is an Excel model whose purpose is the economic-financial valuation of business proposals based on patents or other research results obtained through transfer agreements. It is specially designed to assess the terms of licensing agreements signed between universities (or other public research organisations) and companies, whether they are university Technology Based Companies (TBC) or not. It is adapted to the typical time horizon of businesses based on research results, including a stage prior to the entry into the purchase stage (R&D stage) assessed using Decision Tree Analysis methodology.
MOGUVAL was developed by Alfonso Rodríguez Sandiás, professor of Finance and member of the Applied Financial Valuation group of the USC, and by María Jesús Rodríguez Gulías, during her time as a technology transfer technician in the Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area of the USC.
A presentation of MOGUVAL can be found in chapter 7 of the book: Modelos de Análisis y Valoración de Proyectos de Inversión, published by the Andavira publishing house.
MOGUVAL is a registered computer program (Registration No. 03/2013/258).