The USC promotes entrepreneurship as one of the main means of professional training in the university community.
The Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area supports any member of the university community who has a business idea and wants to transform it into a company. Among the support initiatives are the ARGOS Programme, the Santander Explorer Programme and the Business Ideas and Projects Competitions.
Collaboration with other entities and organisations in the entrepreneurial ecosystem is a key tool. In this sense, the Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area carries out the following actions:
- Participation in the AKADEMIA programme, promoted by the Bankinter Foundation.
- Training actions and talks in collaboration with Galicia Open Future, a joint initiative by Telefónica and the Xunta de Galicia.
- Advice and processing of applications for business projects to obtain qualification as Technology-Based Employment Initiatives (TBEI) from the Regional Ministry of Employment and Welfare.