The dissemination and promotion of the technological offer of the USC among potential stakeholders is key to reaching transfer agreements.
The Valuation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship Area carries out a large number of direct and indirect actions aimed at publicising the catalogue of USC technologies. Indirect actions are aimed at widely disseminating the results achieved, using various open access tools available to any interested company or entrepreneur. In turn, the direct actions are focused on providing specific and customised information to previously selected companies potentially interested in exploiting a specific result.
- Identification and contact with companies potentially interested in licensing USC technologies.
- Exchange of information through material transfer agreements (MTA) and confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements (CDA).
- Drafting of technology licensing proposals.
Publication of USC's research results on online platforms that enable relationships to be established with companies from all over the world:
- iBridgeNetwork is a technology showcase where leading European and US universities promote their technologies.
- The Enterprise Europe Network is made up of more than 600 organisations in more than 50 countries that, from a local perspective, promote innovation and business competitiveness, making it the most extensive network of information and advice for companies at European level.
- Representatives of Repsol, Novozymes and CETaqua/AGBAR meet with USC researchers to study ways of cooperation.
- Executives from Johnson & Johnson and Promega will meet with USC researchers in the search for collaborative projects.
- Experts from Google and Atos will speak at the USC about technological and research collaboration between companies and universities.
- BIOSPAIN is the most important biotechnology fair in Europe and one of the most important worldwide according to the number of one-to-one meetings (2,775) and participating companies (762).
- TRANSBIO SUDOE is a transnational European cooperation project co-financed by the 4th INTERREG SUDOE programme and dedicated to the promotion of innovation and the establishment of cooperation networks in the biotechnology technology sector.
- The Bioga Funding Market is a forum that aims to promote productive investment in the biotechnology sector, allowing entrepreneurs and the most innovative companies in the Galician biotechnology sector to present their business plan to a group of investors under the networking scheme.