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Bio-manufacturing Master's Degree

  • New offer
Branch of knowledge
Ambit of knowledge
Faculty of Pharmacy
Avenida de Vigo, s/n, 15782
Santiago de Compostela
881814993 (Conserxaría)
881814906 (Decanato)
farmacia.decanato [at]
Santiago de Compostela
Carlos Alberto Garcia Gonzalez
carlos.garcia [at]

The implementation of the master’s degree in Bio-manufacturing responds to a strategic need of the Autonomous Community of Galicia to train professionals in incipient fields of knowledge with an important future projection, and in economic sectors with relevant growth potential and growing labour demand.
As stated in the catalogue ‘Proposals of New Degrees for the SUG’, elaborated by the Xunta de Galicia and FEUGA, the role of organ and tissue designer has been identified as one of the professional profiles of the future that is not covered by the current map of SUG degrees, nor are there any national references, which justifies the creation of the degree.
This master’s degree has the participation of the three Galician public universities and will be made up of an interdisciplinary group of teaching and research staff from different fields of knowledge (engineering, biology, pharmacy, medicine, etc.), associated with reference research groups in Galicia and linked to the three Health Research Institutes and Singular Research Centres in Galicia.
In this way, this joint master’s degree will provide excellent and interdisciplinary training, which takes advantage of the full potential of the most cutting-edge infrastructures in Galicia working in the field of biofabrication, bioprinting, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
The demand for the degree extends to the entire Galicia-North Portugal Euroregion as there are close collaborations in R&D (, business and institutional activities that seek to boost the Iberian biotechnology hub.

Duration: 1 academic year
RUCT code: 3500262
ECTS Number: 60
Seats number: 7

Dean or center director:
Mª de los Reyes Laguna Francia

Title coordinator:
Carlos Alberto Garcia Gonzalez
carlos.garcia [at]

Use languages:
Galician, Spanish

Coordinator university:
University of Vigo

Partaker universities:
University of Santiago de Compostela University of A Coruña University of Vigo

Xunta de Galicia title implantation authorization date:

BOE publication date:

Last accreditation date:

• Compulsory: 24
• Optional: 12
• Compulsory external internships: 12
• Master's final dissertation: 12
o Total: 60

The structure of the degree consists of basic training (24 credits) of seven compulsory subjects,taught in the first four-month period, and specific training (24 credits), which includes 12 credits of optional subjects and external practices (12 credits) that will take place during the second four-month period.The total number of credits is completed with the completion of a Master's Final Project of 12 credits.

Biomateriales y biofabricación I

  • P1271101
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Biomateriales y biofabricación II

  • P1271102
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Biología celular en biofabricación

  • P1271103
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Fundamentos de la ingeniería de tejidos

  • P1271104
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Introducción a la medicina regenerativa. Legislación y bioética

  • P1271105
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 6 Credits

Bioestadística y bioinformática

  • P1271106
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits


  • P1271107
  • Compulsory Credits
  • First Semester
  • 3 Credits

Procesos de biofabricación avanzada I

  • P1271201
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Procesos de biofabricación avanzada II

  • P1271202
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 3 Credits

Ensayos pre-clínicos con cultivos celulares y tisulares

  • P1271203
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Experimentación pre-clínica modelo animal

  • P1271204
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Modelos clínicos en terapias avanzadas en especialidades médico-quirúrgicas

  • P1271205
  • Elective Credits
  • Second Semester
  • 6 Credits

Prácticas externas

  • P1271108
  • Compulsory Credits
  • Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees
  • 12 Credits

Trabajo fin de máster

  • P1271109
  • Compulsory Credits
  • End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects
  • 12 Credits

campo insuficiente

• Compulsory: 24
• Optional: 12
• Compulsory external internships: 12
• Master's final dissertation: 12
o Total: 60

Las Universidades participantes disponen de servicios de apoyo y orientación al estudiantado, dirigidos a facilitar la incorporación de nuevo ingreso a la universidad, y a prestar ayuda a lo largo del proceso de formación y aprendizaje.

El alumnado del Máster cuenta también con acceso a infraestructuras singulares de investigación asociadas a las universidades participantes, que permite el desarrollo de actividades formativas complementarias y asegura una docencia de calidad y la adquisición de conocimientos, competencias y habilidades de los futuros especialistas en Biofabricación, como son:
• Cinbio – Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas (Uvigo) (
• Cintecx (Uvigo) (
• INIBIC (UDC) Instituto de Investigacion Biomedica de A Coruña (
• CICA – Centro de Investigaciones Científicas Avanzadas (
• iMATUS – Instituto de Materiales (USC) (


Poderán acceder ás ensinanzas oficiais de Master:
1. As persoas que estean en posesión dun título universitario oficial español.
2. Aquelas que teñan un título expedido por unha institución de educación superior do EEES que faculta no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinanzas de mestrado.
3. Os titulados conforme a sistemas educativos alleos ao EEES sen necesidade de homologación dos seus títulos, previa comprobación pola Universidade de que os ditos títulos acreditan un nivel de formación equivalente aos correspondentes títulos universitarios españois e que facultan no país expedidor do título para o acceso a ensinanzas de posgrao.
Titulacións de acceso preferente:
a) 8 prazas para titulacións en Bioloxía, Biotecnoloxía e Bioquímica.
b) 7 prazas para Farmacia, Fisioterapia, Veterinaria e Medicina
c) 6 prazas para Física e Enxeñaría Biomédica


According to the average mark of the academic transcript.
In the event that there are vacancies in any quota, the places will be covered by the students on the waiting list of the other quotas. In the event that not all places are filled with the preferred degrees, students from other university degrees other than those identified as preferential for access to the Master's Degree, which are detailed by fields of knowledge, may be admitted:
a) Scientific area: Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Food Science and Technology.
b) Health Sciences: Biomedical Sciences and Biomedicine.
c) Technological field: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Industrial Chemical Engineering, Industrial Technology Engineering and Telecommunications.

The main objective of the Master's degree is to provide students with theoretical and practical skills in the field of biofabrication, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; in particular, in the design of scaffolds or structures that serve as a basis for the regeneration or generation of human organs and tissues, pre-organs that are useful for medical practice or drug testing. Customised medical devices that reduce the risk of infection, improve usability and offer superior clinical performance are also addressed.
The training objectives include:
a) To develop competences and skills for interdisciplinary work given the specific nature of the field of bio-manufacturing, which integrates knowledge from engineering, materials science, biology and medicine, among others.
b) To foster the development of research, innovation and entrepreneurial skills in response to the rapid and constant evolution of this discipline and its commercial potential.

CG1: Master information retrieval techniques, critical analysis of information and be able to identify scientific theories and methodological approaches suitable for design and critical evaluation in bio-manufacturing processes.
CG2: Knowing how to apply knowledge to problem solving in the multidisciplinary field of research and innovation related to biof.
CG3: Have the ability to understand the social and ethical responsibilities arising from research, development and innovation in the area of biof.
CG4: Have the capacity for leadership, creativity, initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and the skills to participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations, in interdisciplinary contexts and with a high component of knowledge transfer.
CG5: To know, understand and be able to apply specifications, regulations and mandatory standards of the legislation related to bio-manufacturing that allow the safe use of biof. processes.
CG6: Have the capacity for oral and written communication and scientific interaction with professionals from other areas of knowledge.
CG7: To train for organisation and planning in the field of business and other institutions and organisations.
CT1: Knowing how to plan a research project autonomously in multidisciplinary environments and having the ability to manage research, development and technological innovation in biof.
CT2: Use ICTs as a tool for the transmission of knowledge, results and conclusions in specialised fields in a clear and rigorous manner.
CT3: Have the initiative for continuous training and for tackling new scientific and technological challenges.
CT4: Use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as a tool for the transmission of knowledge, results and conclusions in specialised fields in a clear and rigorous manner.
CT5: Practising sustainability and environmental commitment. Equitable, responsible and efficient use of resources.
CE1: To learn about polymeric, ceramic, vitreous, metallic and hybrid biomaterials, including nanomaterials, their processing and characterisation, as well as obtaining the skills for their handling in biofabrication.
CE2: To learn the basic tools of 3D design and additive manufacturing processes, as well as how to obtain the skills for their application in biof.
CE3: Understanding biomaterials with advanced and intelligent properties, as well as the acquisition of capabilities for their handling in biofabrication.
CE4: To learn about advanced 3D design techniques, as well as how to obtain capabilities for their application in biof.
CE5: To learn about the main technologies for the manufacture and characterisation of 2D and 3D scaffolds and organs, as well as the acquisition of capabilities for their application in advanced biofabrication.
CE6: To know the cell types used in biof. processes, to understand their specific characteristics and the possible effects of the interaction between cells and biomaterials.
CE7: Develop basic cell culture techniques and protocols.
CE8: To learn about the characteristics and organisation of the different types of human tissues, as well as acquiring tools for the development of protocols for the construction of artificial tissues and advanced therapies in human therapy, knowing the challenges involved.
CE9: To know the main animal models used in tissue engineering.
CE10: Develop the most appropriate protocols for pre-clinical evaluation of biomaterial properties and behaviour depending on the context and application.
CE11: Knowledge of the principles, standards and models of pre-clinical animal experimentation, as well as the acquisition of the skills for the analysis, management and design of procedures and projects for scientific purposes.
CE12: Acquire an overview of the different types of advanced therapies based on cells, cell organelles or gene therapies of different origins and their applications.
CE13: Acquire a sense of ethics in health sciences research
CE14: To understand the fundamentals and procedures for the development and application of an advanced therapy system applicable to tissue regeneration disorders in clinical practice.
CE15: Acquire the ability to choose and apply the statistical techniques most appropriate to the research or experimental design proposed.
CE16: Evaluate and test the applicability of different mathematical, statistical or artificial intelligence models in bioinformatics to analyse and integrate data in a clinical environment.
CE17: Knowledge of the basics of business operation, as well as the acquisition of skills for the analysis, management, design and evaluation of scientific results and technology transfer.
CE18: Reinforce the training received by students by means of training development tutored by the university in institutions and companies, in order to put into practice the competences and skills acquired, or to improve research capacity where appropiate.
CE19: Master the knwledge, competences and skills.

HD1 Acquire advanced knowledge in the field of Bio-manufacturing and demonstrate a detailed and well-founded understanding of the theoretical and practical aspects and working methodology underpinning it.
HD2 Knowing how to apply and integrate knowledge in Bio-manufacturing in the resolution of problems in new and multidisciplinary environments, both researchers and highly specialised professionals.
HD3 Knowing how to evaluate and select the appropriate scientific theory and the precise methodology to be used in the field of Bio-manufacturing in order to formulate judgements including, when necessary and relevant, a reflection on the social or ethical responsibility linked to the solution proposed in each case.
HD4 To be able to predict and control the evolution of complex situations by developing new and innovative working methodologies in the field of Bio-manufacturing.
HD5 To be able to convey in a clear and unambiguous way to a specialised or non-specialised audience, results from scientific and technological research or from the field of cutting-edge innovation in the field of bio-manufacturing.
HD6 Develop sufficient autonomy to participate in research projects and scientific or technological collaborations in the field of Bio-manufacturing, in interdisciplinary contexts and, where appropriate, with a high component of knowledge transfer.
HD7 Be able to take responsibility for their own professional development and specialisation in the field of Bio-manufacturing.

CON1 Classification, properties and applications of biomaterials and basic processes for biofabrication.
CON2 Fundamentals and techniques of cell biology of interest in biofabrication.
CON3 Fundamentals of life sciences applied to fabrication.
CON4 Fundamentals of regenerative medicine. Legislation and bioethics.
CON5 Bases of biostatistics and bioinformatics.
CON6 Basis of entrepreneurship and its application in the biomedical field.
CON7 Design and application of advanced bio-manufacturing processes.
CON8 Design and application of pre-clinical tests with cells and tissues of interest in biomanufacturing.
CON9 Design and application of pre-clinical tests on animal models of interest in biomanufacturing.
CON10 Design and application of clinical models for advanced therapies.


The participating universities publish in the following links the information about the mobility programmes for students, teaching and research staff (PDI) and administrative and service staff (PAS):


El título contempla la realización de prácticas académicas externas que se desarrollarían en centros de investigación, hospitales o empresas con actividad investigadora o profesional en el ámbito de la Biofabricación. Se han identificado un importante número de grupos de investigación y empresas que pueden acoger al estudiantado por lo que se garantiza la posibilidad de que todo el alumnado pueda realizar un periodo de prácticas de dos meses a tiempo completo.
De conformidad con el RD 592/2014, las universidades disponen de un mecanismo de organización para la realización de prácticas académicas externas, donde se publicita la oferta de prácticas, la normativa vigente, los convenios y las convocatorias:
Las Universidades disponen ya de convenios de cooperación educativa con empresas y centros de investigación (por ejemplo, Beta Implants, Cinbio, Cintecx,..) que sirven de acuerdo marco para la realización de prácticas externas del alumnado del título. Además, se formalizan nuevos convenios de cooperación educativa y acuerdos internos específicos que recogen el proyecto formativo a desarrollar y las condiciones de implementación de dichas prácticas. A continuación, se indica el enlace de la universidad coordinadora donde se encuentra disponible toda la documentación referida a:
a) Modelos y documentos de formalización (convenios y acuerdos específicos)
b) Documentación de gestión de las prácticas académicas externas (condiciones, declaración responsable, compromiso del alumno/a, informes de tutor/a, certificados de realización de prácticas)…

The student must carry out a Master's Thesis (TFM) related to one of the aspects covered in the Master's Degree. It is a work of synthesis of the knowledge acquired and also favours the planning and structuring of a project. The student must organise, under the supervision of the specific tutor, the structure and organisation of the contents and results obtained. The completion of this TFM will be governed by the regulations: "realización do traballo de fin de máster".
G.C. 15/06/16 amended No G.C. 13/11/18
The defence of the TFM will be done in a public act following the regulations established in article 17.4 of RD 822/2021.

The contents of this page were updated on 09.18.2024.