Library Resources.

Search tool in the catalogue of the University Library, Minerva and PreLo.
Galician authors in the University Library
Database. Bio-bibliographic information of authors who appear in Iacobus and are Galician or have a relationship with Galicia.
Recommended bibliographies
Basic/complementary bibliographies of the subjects.

E-book lending platform.

Bases de datos, principais coleccións de revistas e libros electrónicos, outros recursos en liña, guías e titoriais.
Subscribed and open access databases.

USC Institutional repository for access to its digitised bibliographic collections and to the research and teaching output of its members.
Electronic journals
Main collections and platforms.
Electronic books
Main collections and platforms

USC Research Portal
Portal to disseminate, give visibility and transfer the results of USC research activities to society.
Online bibliographic reference management tool.
USC section in the bibliographic portal Dialnet.
Guides and tutorials
Help guides and tutorials on resources.