All subjects
A History of Medical Sciences and Documentation
Bachelor of Medicine
1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Social Medicine, Communication Skills and Initiation to Research
Anatomía Patológica
Grao en Odontología (2ªed)
2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Patología y Terapéutica Médico-Quirúrgica General
anatomical pathology
Bachelor of Odontology [in extinction]
2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | General Medical-Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics
Biochemistry and society
Degree in Biochemistry [in extinction]
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects
Biochemistry and society
Biochemistry Degree (2nd Ed.)
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Training
Doctoral Programme in Advances and New Strategies in Forensic Science
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Bioethics and legislation
Master in Biomedical Research
1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects
Cancer biology
Doctoral Programme in Endocrinology
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Cancer biology
Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Cancer biology
Master in Biomedical Research
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects 2st Semester
Child and Adolescent Medicine: Pediatrics I
Bachelor of Medicine
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Human Clinical Training
Child and Adolescent Medicine: Pediatrics I
PhD Programme in Clinical Research in Medicine
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements of degree subjects
Child and Adolescent Medicine: Pediatrics II
Bachelor of Medicine
4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Human Clinical Training
Childhood nutrition and immunity
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Lifestyles, Nutrition and Metabolism in Children and Young People
Childhood,Adolescent and Geriatric Psychiatry
Bachelor of Medicine
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
Children and Youth Metabolism
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Lifestyles, Nutrition and Metabolism in Children and Young People
Clinical and toxicological analyzes
Master's Degree in Chemical Research and Industrial Chemistry
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Specialty: Biological Chemistry
Clinical internship (after school time period) I
Bachelor of Odontology [in extinction]
3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
Clinical internship (after school time period) II
Bachelor of Odontology [in extinction]
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
Clinical internship (after school time period) III
Bachelor of Odontology [in extinction]
5th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
Clinical Pedriatric Nutrition
Bachelor of Medicine
5th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
Clinical Practice II
Bachelor of Medicine
4th year | Annual | Compulsory Credits | Human Clinical Training
Clinical Practice III
Bachelor of Medicine
5th year | Annual | Compulsory Credits | Human Clinical Training
Code of Conduct and Legislation
Bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Nutrition, Dietetic and Health Sciences
Early health and disease programming
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Lifestyles, Nutrition and Metabolism in Children and Young People
Bachelor in Veterinary
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Obligatory Elective Subjects
End of Degree Project
Bachelor in Veterinary
5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project
End of Master Work
Master in Medical Assistance, Management and Care (Clinical Specialty)
1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Module I: Common Subjects
End of Master Work
Master in Medical Assistance, Management and Care (Specialty in Management)
1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Module I: Common Subjects
Endocrine disease
Doctoral Programme in Endocrinology
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Endocrine disease
Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Endocrine disease
Master in Biomedical Research
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects 2st Semester
Epidemiology and public health
Degree in Biochemistry [in extinction]
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Mention in Applied Biochemistry
Ethical and legal aspects of the nursing profession
Nursing Degree
3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Nursing Sciences
Ethics, Bioethics and Veterinary Legislation
Bachelor in Veterinary
4th year | Second Semester | Basic Training | Basic Sciences
Evolutionary Genetics
Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology [in extinction]
5th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects for Biology
Evolutionary Genetics
Bachelor of Biology [in extinction]
3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects
External Internship
Bachelor of Biology [in extinction]
4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | External work placements
External internship after school time period I
Bachelor of Medicine
3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
External internship after school time period II
Bachelor of Medicine
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
External internship after school time period III
Bachelor of Medicine
5th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
External practices
Degree in Biochemistry [in extinction]
4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Graduation thesis
External practices
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | External work placements and End of Master’s Degree Project
Extramural Practicum
Bachelor in Veterinary
4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | External Practicum
Final Dissertation
Biochemistry Degree (2nd Ed.)
4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Final Dissertation and Internship
Final Dissertation (Agroalimentary Biochemistry mention)
Biochemistry Degree (2nd Ed.)
4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Mención en Bioquímica Agroalimentaria
Food patterns in children and adolescents. Healthy diets: Mediterranean and Atlantic
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Lifestyles, Nutrition and Metabolism in Children and Young People
Food toxicology
Degree in Biochemistry [in extinction]
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Mention in Agro-Food Biochemistry
Forensic genetics
Doctoral Programme in Advances and New Strategies in Forensic Science
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Forensic genetics
Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Forensic genetics
Master in Biomedical Research
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects 1st Semester
Forensic medicine and criminology
Bachelor of Criminology
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory Subjects
General Anatomical Pathology
Bachelor of Medicine
2nd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures
General and Medical Pathology
Bachelor of Odontology [in extinction]
2nd year | Annual | Compulsory Credits | General Medical-Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics
Genomics and genetic diseases
Doctoral Programme in Endocrinology
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Genomics and genetic diseases
Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Genomics and genetic diseases
Master in Biomedical Research
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects 2st Semester
Genomics and Molecular Medicine
Bachelor of Medicine
5th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
Bachelor of Medicine
4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Human Clinical Training
Impact of infectious and toxic factors on the origin of diseases
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Lifestyles, Nutrition and Metabolism in Children and Young People
Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine:Clinical Toxicology
Bachelor of Medicine
5th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Human Clinical Training
Biochemistry Degree (2nd Ed.)
4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Final Dissertation and Internship
Law and Bioethics
Master in Medical Assistance, Management and Care (Clinical Specialty)
1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Module I: Common Subjects
Law and Bioethics
Master in Medical Assistance, Management and Care (Specialty in Management)
1st year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Module I: Common Subjects
Legal Ethic Aspects of the Profession
Bachelor of Nursing (2ª ed) [S] [in extinction]
3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Nursing Sciences
Legal Medicine
Bachelor of Medicine
5th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Social Medicine, Communication Skills and Initiation to Research
Legal Medicine
Doctoral Programme in Advances and New Strategies in Forensic Science
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Legal Medicine
Bachelor's Degree in Law
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects
Legal Medicine
Doctoral Programme in Advances and New Strategies in Forensic Science
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Legal Medicine
Double bachelor degree in Laws and Labour Relations and Human Resources
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects for Law
Legal,Ethical and Professional Odontology,
Bachelor of Odontology [in extinction]
4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Introducción a la Odontología
Master's degree final dissertation
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | External work placements and End of Master’s Degree Project
Master´s Thesis
Master in Biomedical Research
1st year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Master Dissertation
Medical Ethics
Bachelor of Medicine
2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Social Medicine, Communication Skills and Initiation to Research
Microbiota in health and disease
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Lifestyles, Nutrition and Metabolism in Children and Young People
Non-Clinical Internships
Bachelor in Veterinary
5th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Compulsory Credits | Supervised Work Placements
Normal and pathological growth
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Human Growth and Development
Normal and pathological neurodevelopment
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Human Growth and Development
Nutrition of the healthy child and adolescent
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Lifestyles, Nutrition and Metabolism in Children and Young People
Nutrition of the sick child and adolescent
Master in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Determinants concerning Growth and Development-NUTRENVIGEN G+D Factors
1st year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Lifestyles, Nutrition and Metabolism in Children and Young People
Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing
Nursing Degree
3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Nursing Sciences
Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic
Bachelor of Medicine
6th year | Annual | Compulsory Credits | Supervised Work Placements and End of Degree Project
Obstetrics and Gynocology
Bachelor of Medicine
4th year | Annual | Compulsory Credits | Human Clinical Training
Obstetrics and Gynocology
PhD Programme in Clinical Research in Medicine
1st year | Annual | Elective Credits | Training complements of degree subjects
Odontología Legal, Ética y Profesionalismo
Grao en Odontología (2ªed)
4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Introducción a la Odontología
Organ and Tissue Transport
Bachelor of Medicine
4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
Patología General y Médica
Grao en Odontología (2ªed)
2nd year | Annual | Compulsory Credits | Patología y Terapéutica Médico-Quirúrgica General
Pediatric Clinic
Bachelor of Medicine
6th year | Annual | Compulsory Credits | Supervised Work Placements and End of Degree Project
Pediatric Nursing
Nursing Degree
3rd year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Nursing Sciences
Population genetics for biomedicine
Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Training complements (master's degree/degree subjects)
Population genetics for biomedicine
Master in Biomedical Research
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional Subjects 1st Semester
Prácticas clínicas (en período no lectivo) I
Grao en Odontología (2ªed)
3rd year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Materias Optativas
Prácticas clínicas (en período no lectivo) II
Grao en Odontología (2ªed)
4th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Materias Optativas
Prácticas clínicas (en período no lectivo) III
Grao en Odontología (2ªed)
5th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Materias Optativas
Prácticas Externas 3
Bachelor of Pharmacy [in extinction]
4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | External work placements
Bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Practicum and End of Degree Project
Bachelor of Criminology
4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Undergraduate Dissertation and Practicum
Prevention of Workplace Risks II
Bachelor's degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources
4th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Occupational Health and Safety and Health and Safety at Work
Prevention of Workplace Risks II
Double bachelor degree in Laws and Labour Relations and Human Resources
5th year | Second Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects for Employment Relationships
Professional training placement 2
Bachelor of Pharmacy [in extinction]
4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | External work placements
Professional training placement 4
Bachelor of Pharmacy [in extinction]
4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | External work placements
Professional training placement 1
Bachelor of Pharmacy [in extinction]
4th year | Work Placements in Companies for Degrees and Master's Degrees | Elective Credits | External work placements
Risk Prevention and Safety
Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engeneering [in extinction]
4th year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects for Process Engineering Orientation
Rotation in A and E Units,Central Services etc.
Bachelor of Medicine
6th year | Annual | Compulsory Credits | Supervised Work Placements and End of Degree Project
Sexual Growth and Maturing
Bachelor of Medicine
2nd year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects
Special Anatomical Pathology
Bachelor of Medicine
3rd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures
Bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
2nd year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Food Science
Bachelor of Pharmacy [in extinction]
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Medicine and Pharmacology
Double bachelor degree in Phamacy and Optics and Optometry
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Compulsory subjects for Pharmacy
Grado en Farmacia (2ªed)
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Medicina y Farmacología
Trabajo Fin de Grado
Grao en Odontología (2ªed)
5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Prácticas Tuteladas y Trabajo Fin de Grado
Undergraduate dissertation
Bachelor of Biology [in extinction]
4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project
Undergraduate dissertation
Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology [in extinction]
6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project Biology
Undergraduate dissertation
Bachelor of Chemistry
4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of Degree Project and Work Placements
Undergraduate dissertation
Double bachelor degree in Physics and Chemistry
5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project Chemistry
Undergraduate dissertation
Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology [in extinction]
6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project Chemistry
Undergraduate dissertation
Double bachelor degree in Chemistry and Biology (2ªed)
6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project Chemistry
Undergraduate Dissertation
Degree in Biochemistry [in extinction]
4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Graduation thesis
Undergraduate dissertation
Bachelor of Nursing (2ª ed) [S] [in extinction]
4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project
Undergraduate dissertation
Bachelor of Medicine
6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Supervised Work Placements and End of Degree Project
Undergraduate dissertation
Bachelor of Odontology [in extinction]
5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Supervised Work Placements and End of Degree Project
Undergraduate dissertation
Bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Practicum and End of Degree Project
Undergraduate dissertation
Bachelor of Pharmacy [in extinction]
5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | End of degree project
Undergraduate dissertation
Double bachelor degree in Phamacy and Optics and Optometry
6th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | EDP and Pharmacy Work Placements
Undergraduate dissertation
Grado en Farmacia (2ªed)
5th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Trabajo Fin de Grado y Prácticas Tuteladas
Undergraduate Dissertation
Bachelor of Criminology
4th year | End of Degree Projects and End of Master's Degree Projects | Compulsory Credits | Undergraduate Dissertation and Practicum
Urgencies, Emergencies and Big Catastrophes
Master in Medical Assistance, Management and Care (Clinical Specialty)
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Module II: Clinical Specialization (associated with optional subjects)
Urgencies, Emergencies and Big Catastrophes
Master in Medical Assistance, Management and Care (Specialty in Management)
1st year | First Semester | Elective Credits | Second Specialization: Clinical
Veterinary Toxicology
Bachelor in Veterinary
4th year | First Semester | Compulsory Credits | Clinical Sciences and Animal Health
youth health care
Bachelor of Medicine
5th year | Second Semester | Elective Credits | Optional subjects